The iPhone Antenna “Issue”: FUD

FUD* is one of those wonderful technology terms that is thrown around quite a bit, although not by this author. But today, observing the absurd accusations against Apple and the iPhone from all quarters, it …(read more)
Androids vs. iPhones the Battle Goes On
The iPhone 4 is taking a beating, and where will it end? Last week, Apple admitted that its iPhones had been overstating network signal strength …(read more)
Join us at 12:45PM ET / 9:45AM PT as we analyze today's announcements. <a href="" mce_href="" >"Come See Our Latest Creation": Liveblogging The Liveblogs</a> …(read more)
10 Apple Predictions for 2010
The end of the year is the perfect time to spout ten, rock solid, take it to the bank, predictions for the upcoming year. Well, …(read more)
Lack of Macworld Fuels Apple’s Holiday Sales
Ever since Steve Jobs returned to Apple in 1997, Apple has introduced its largest and best-selling products in January from the iMac to the iPod …(read more)
Take iTunes to the Cloud
During last week's Rock and Roll event, Steve Jobs proudly proclaimed the iTunes Music Store as the number one music retailer in world, with over …(read more)
Winner of Our Latest Contest Speaks Out on All Things Apple
Applematters ran a contest to see which of our readers could get closest to what Apple would reveal on September 9th. The winner was breuklen, …(read more)
Apple TV, LP Format, and Yes the Tablet
With Steve back, all kinds of things are changing at Apple, to what end we can only speculate. On Sunday night, the company cut the …(read more)
Apple’s September 9th Event Redux
Today's Apple event entitled "It's only rock and roll, but we like it" was aptly named. iTunes, iPod nano, and iPod touch were all graced …(read more)
Accurately Predict September 9th, Win a Speck CandyShell Case and Apple Matters’ Interview
With Apple's much anticipated Press Event just over a week away, the technorati are bending over backwards for a scoop of what Apple has in …(read more)
What’s in a Name: Snow Leopard Examined
Now 7 wild cats have been unleashed on the Apple public and still, no one knows for sure where these once internal code names originated: …(read more)
Apple’s Steve Jobs Directing the New Tablet
Since returning to Apple in late June, Steve Jobs has been spending a great deal of time and energy on a new tablet device, reports …(read more)
Apple Online Store Is Down: Snow Leopard, Tablets, Macbooks Oh My?
The Apple online store is closed with a We'll be back soon sticky on it. Speculation on the internet has it that Snow Leopard will …(read more)