Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
How Badly is Timothy Cook Effed?
Tim Cook is in the uncomfortable position of replacing Steve Jobs . You're thinking that Tim gets to run one of the coolest companies in …(read more)
On Using Dragon Dictate and
I've been using the speech recognition program, Dragon Dictate (formally MacSpeech Dictate), on and off for about three years now. I first learned about the …(read more)
Will Apple Rule the Living Room?
There is a better than even chance you're the victim, um, consumer of one of those asinine triple play deals. You know the pitch: Get …(read more)
Three iPhone Apps that Beat Apple’s Default Versions
As great as Apple software is, we've all benefited from dozens of iPhone and other iOS applications that overshadow or completely replace some of Apple's …(read more)
Who do the Underdog Fans Root for Now?
Right now is the best time ever for Apple. The company is so busy owning the tablet market it can't keep the things in stock. …(read more)
Bluethooth Pocket Size foxLv2 Speaker Provides Quality Sound
Portable wireless speakers are the best way to listen to music and podcasts—I keep them in my bedroom, kitchen, and travel bag. I‘ve always felt …(read more)
Competing with the iPad: the Old Tricks Won’t Work
Remember when the iPod first got hot? How bad did people want it? Bad enough that some people bought Macs just to be able to …(read more)
Learn the Art of DJaying with Virtual DJ
I know as much about DJaying as I do about astrophysics, but stumbling upon Atomix Productions’ VirtualDJ Home, gave me hope that I could fake …(read more)
Marketwise: 4 Reasons the iPad May Be More Like the iPod than the iPhone
What Apple has experienced with the iPhone and the iPod are two different inputs with two very different outputs. In fact, one would have hoped …(read more)
Easily Learn Vector-Based Drawing with Artboard
If you have the desire to do powerful vector-based drawings on your computer, but you don't want to shell out the money for a large …(read more)
Apple’s Strength: It Isn’t Scared of Apple
Someday you might find yourself sitting around and wondering why Microsoft doesn't rule the tablet market the way it rules the OS market. It is …(read more)
The History of Jazz on the iPad
I’ve loved jazz since the early 1970s, and I have tried to study its history off and on for several years. While there are some …(read more)