Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
5 Free Giveaways: Back Up, Sync, and Share with SpiderOak
One of the challenges for anyone using more than one computer and/or mobile device is keeping files and other digital content backed up and synced …(read more)
Why Do iPhone Users Have to Put Up with Carriers?
By now you've seen the reviews of the iPhone for Verizon. They seem to boil down to: "Just like the iPhone for AT&T but without …(read more)
Apple Being Chased by Zombies, Decides to Walk Faster
Predictions of Apple's return to its place as benchwarmer in the computing game are easy to find. Here's on example but there are plenty to …(read more)
Access Your iTunes in the Clouds—Thank You, SuperSync
When I stood in line the morning of the iPad release, I queried other Mac addicts like myself about what size iPad they where getting. …(read more)
iPhone on Verizon: Unexpected Benefits
When the iPhone on Verizon was finally and mercifully announced people went nuts. People love the iPhone, but the iPhones Achilles' heel is AT&T's coverage. …(read more)
Organize and Launch Files and Apps With Berokyo
Launching applications, files, and downloading web pages are never ending tasks we perform nearly each time we use our computers. Overtime, the content of our …(read more)
Why I Won’t Switch From ATT
Us Apple users are a hardy lot, and we have a long memory as we should. After all, being a Mac user in the dark …(read more)
Does Apple Need a New Front Man?
People are worried that Apple is going to go to crap now that Steve Jobs is on his second leave of absence. The strong undercurrent …(read more)
MacBook Air or iPad: Which Should You Buy?
In my last article about the MacBook Air and the iPad, I discussed why it would be a good idea if Apple could merge the …(read more)
The BEST RSS Feed Reader for the iPad: Flipboard
I have reviewed several RSS feed readers for the iPad and iPhone, but if I lined them all up for a contest, I would vote …(read more)
Combining the iPad and the MacBook Air Into One: Possible?
I'm sitting in Border's bookstore writing this article on my MacBook Air. For months, I avoided purchasing a new laptop because I wanted to see …(read more)
Dissecting the MacDailyNews Rumor
If you believe the exclusive rumor published by MacDailyNews, these are dark times for AT&T and Android handset makers. Well not dark times right this …(read more)