Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
Eleven Apple Predictions for 2011
'Tis the season for speculation about what the next year will bring for Apple fans. Usually, the lists go five or ten deep, but in …(read more)
Apple Acquisition Targets: Part One: Netflix
Apple has a ridiculous amount of cash in the bank: 50 Billion or thereabouts. Historically, the company hasn't done large acquisitions á la Oracle, which …(read more)
Is Ballmer Getting a Raw Deal?
A few days ago something very interesting happened and you probably didn't even realize it. Turns out that a smallish meteor passed between the earth …(read more)
Apple Buying Something Big? How UnAppleish
Most of us look at Steve Jobs with a certain amount of envy. The guy has a ton of money; he is widely respected, scoots …(read more)
October 20th: What’s Going Down
Sharks, so the story goes, can smell a single drop of blood a hundred miles away. Being the unstoppable predators they are, once a hint …(read more)
What the Real Smartphone War Is About
If a blogger says the iPhone is coming to Verizon it is just wishful thinking. If a pundit says the iPhone is coming to Verizon …(read more)
Is an iOS Netbook in the Works?
Nothing gets Apple fans quite as excited as rumors about new hardware. A Verizon iPhone? Juicy! 30 inch iMacs? Tantalizing! A 1.5 inch iPod nano? …(read more)
Google is Evil but Why Are People Surprised?
In just a few short years Google has gone from every techie's favorite corporation to a bubbling mass of pure corporate evil. How did this …(read more)
Apple TV 2.0: Still A Sucky Hobby
It took Apple the better part of 4 years to revise and release the latest Apple TV. Almost 4 years to make it is smaller, …(read more)
iOS versus Android? You’ve Got Better Things to Worry about
During Apple's last press event Steve Jobs mentioned that Apple was selling 230,000 iOS devices a day. Why would Steve give away such delicious info? …(read more)
The iPhone Funeral Won’t Save the Windows 7 Phone
Funerals are usually somber occasions: the death of a loved one, pet or motherboard is not generally a cause for giddiness. Yet, last Friday a …(read more)
Dismissing the Apple TV Objections
For any other company the Apple TV would be considered a hit. The device is undoubtedly profitable and sales have been just fine. Yet, compared …(read more)