Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
The WWDC 2010 Keynote: Great Product, Bad PR
When Steve Jobs gave his keynote speech at Apple's Worldwide Developer's Conference on Monday, he had more on his mind than introducing the latest iPhone. …(read more)
FaceTime? Try Rehashed Pea Salad
Imagine that you hate peas. It shouldn't be a difficult exercise, the green balls of mush smell like a towel return outside a sauna devoted …(read more)
iPhone 4: Initial Reactions
Apple's keynote speech at Monday's WWDC had as much to do with defending its recent business decisions as introducing the newest model of the iPhone. …(read more)
Atomic Web: the Best Web Browser for the iPad
I use several different web browsing apps, including Safari on my iPad and iPhone, but the one that shines above them all is Atomic Web. …(read more) and the First Lesson Learned about Cloud Services
Back in July of last year I wrote an article praising the music networking site, My review of the site was a “goodbye” to …(read more)
Don’t Buy an iPod Touch This Summer.
And I mean that in the literal sense. Why? Well, a few reasons: 1) Apple's notorious disregard for breaking compatibility can dramatically decrease the amount …(read more)
Kin / MOTOBLUR / WebOS [The Competitors]
A few weeks ago, Microsoft announced the Kin One and Kin Two, a duo of new mobile handsets with a social-networking focus. With hardware from …(read more)
Why I’m Siding with Apple on This One (and the One Before That…)
There are many, many things about Apple which I dislike. Yes, even if you ignore how the abhorrent environmental consequences that inevitably come with manufacturing …(read more)
The iPad’s Design Utopia vs. the Internet at Large
Not long ago I was having a conversation with a web designer about the iPad, which had not yet been released. He was discussing how …(read more)
Reading on the iPad
Having read five e-books on the Kindle for the iPhone, I looked forward to reading e-books on the much bigger iPad. I actually put off …(read more)
Gizmodo’s iPhone Scoop: The Non-Story that Went Huge
The leak of the next generation iPhone goes something like this: iPhone left in bar by Apple employee. Guy finds iPhone. Guy tries to return …(read more)
Android on iPhone!
Apple's ultimate defense on the iPhone has been shattered.Planetbeing from the iPhone Dev Team (the group that brings you jailbreaking and unlocking tools such as …(read more)