X-Keys Can Speed Up Your Computer and Gaming

Computers are supposed to help you get things done faster and more efficiently, but if you're not using keyboard shortcuts or automating repetitive tasks, then you‘re missing out. You shouldn't have to go digging into …(read more)
Three iPhone Apps that Beat Apple’s Default Versions
As great as Apple software is, we've all benefited from dozens of iPhone and other iOS applications that overshadow or completely replace some of Apple's …(read more)
Bluethooth Pocket Size foxLv2 Speaker Provides Quality Sound
Portable wireless speakers are the best way to listen to music and podcasts—I keep them in my bedroom, kitchen, and travel bag. I‘ve always felt …(read more)
Learn the Art of DJaying with Virtual DJ
I know as much about DJaying as I do about astrophysics, but stumbling upon Atomix Productions’ VirtualDJ Home, gave me hope that I could fake …(read more)
Easily Learn Vector-Based Drawing with Artboard
If you have the desire to do powerful vector-based drawings on your computer, but you don't want to shell out the money for a large …(read more)
Cinematize Gets a 3.0 Update
If you’re a professional videographer or someone who has produced DVDs, you might want to eventually extract clips from your productions to make up a …(read more)
The History of Jazz on the iPad
I’ve loved jazz since the early 1970s, and I have tried to study its history off and on for several years. While there are some …(read more)
5 Free Giveaways: Back Up, Sync, and Share with SpiderOak
One of the challenges for anyone using more than one computer and/or mobile device is keeping files and other digital content backed up and synced …(read more)
Access Your iTunes in the Clouds—Thank You, SuperSync
When I stood in line the morning of the iPad release, I queried other Mac addicts like myself about what size iPad they where getting. …(read more)
Organize and Launch Files and Apps With Berokyo
Launching applications, files, and downloading web pages are never ending tasks we perform nearly each time we use our computers. Overtime, the content of our …(read more)
MacBook Air or iPad: Which Should You Buy?
In my last article about the MacBook Air and the iPad, I discussed why it would be a good idea if Apple could merge the …(read more)
The BEST RSS Feed Reader for the iPad: Flipboard
I have reviewed several RSS feed readers for the iPad and iPhone, but if I lined them all up for a contest, I would vote …(read more)
Getting Organized with Tags
It’s quite easy to find stuff on your computer when a project you’re working on is front and center. You might simply drag project files …(read more)