X-Keys Can Speed Up Your Computer and Gaming

Computers are supposed to help you get things done faster and more efficiently, but if you're not using keyboard shortcuts or automating repetitive tasks, then you‘re missing out. You shouldn't have to go digging into …(read more)
Streaming Music with Rdio.com
Well, after the Apple's buyout of Lala.com back in December, I thought I had learned a lesson and would never sign up for a streaming …(read more)
Automate Web Functions with Fake
One of the best things about Mac OS X is the ability to turbo charge tasks with fairly easy to use automation programs like Apple‘s …(read more)
Twitter Library Saves Tweets
There’s no shortage of Twitter related apps, but for all you dedicated iPad users out there who spend quality time tweeting, re-tweeting, mentioning, hash tagging, …(read more)
ZumoCast: What Remote Should Be
This week, Apple introduced an updated version of Remote for its mobile devices, as well as the revamped version of Apple TV. Remote, according to …(read more)
MacSpeech Dictate Is Now Dragon Dictate for Mac
This week Nuance, the developer of the popular speech recognition program, Dragon NaturallySpeaking 11 for PC, released an update to its Mac version, MacSpeech Dictate—renamed …(read more)
Professional Slideshow Presentations with FotoMagico 3.5
Software solutions for creating photo slide shows range from Apple‘s iMovie and iPhoto to the web application, Animoto.com. But the latest 3.5 update of Boinx …(read more)
Hardware at Apple’s September Event
It's hard to be disappointed with yesterday's media event, but that doesn't mean people won't find a way, it is the nature of these things. …(read more)
WritePad 4.0 on the iPad
Beyond writing short notes on yellow stickies, filling out forms and addressing snail mail, I rarely write anything long hand anymore. I would probably break …(read more)
Flipboard on the iPad: Sweet!
If the magazine industry doesn’t see its future in the iPad, then it's blind. I covered a couple of magazine-style apps for the iPad (see …(read more)
Stanza & Borders: Two E-Book Apps For The iPad
With each new ebook reader for the iPad, developers and booksellers alike try to outdo one another with unique features and approaches, but I can …(read more)
From iPhone User to iPhone App Developer
I recently read somewhere that if truth be told, the iPad was not primarily developed for existing iPhone and Mac users, it was really produced …(read more)
The iPad: A Great Magazine Reader
If I had to say which is my number one reason for liking and using the iPad, I would give two thumbs up for magazine …(read more)