Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
Predictions For iTunes X
In the beginning of 2001, Apple released version 1.0 of iTunes, a simple music management app, for Mac OS 9. In the 9+ years since, …(read more)
Windows Phone 7 [The Competitors]
I know that writing about Microsoft in anything approaching a respectful tone is basically verboten on an Apple blog, but when Windows Phone 7 was …(read more)
litl [The Competitors]
In the months between the iPad's announcement and its eventual release, journalists and bloggers began to hail the device (or at least its fundamental philosophy) …(read more)
Introduction [The Competitors]
I bought my first iPod back in high school, not because of any brand allegiance to Apple or belief in the inherent superiority of its …(read more)
What Would an iPad Pro Look Like?
I'm one of the few, the proud, the pathetic—basically, one of the only fans of groundbreaking technology who isn't immediately excited by the iPad. No, …(read more)
Something to Realize about Apple’s Corporate Spats
If you have a sandbox and your kids happen to be corporate entities the one company you wouldn't want to invite over to play is …(read more)
Opera for iPhone: Does It Matter?
When Opera Mini was approved for sale on the App Store earlier this week, it was as if pigs were flying or hell freezing over. …(read more)
Apple’s Reasons Behind No Flash: 75% Smartphone Marketshare
The recent hoopla over the iPhone is one of the more interesting developments in Apple's history. With Apple there has always been a tension between …(read more)
iAd: Apple’s Retaliation to Google
iAd: Apple's Retaliation to Google Recently I attended a speaker panel regarding corporate competition and how leading companies develop a competitive edge in the market. …(read more)
Attention Geeks: The iPad Is Not a Threat
The release of the iPad has had a predictable impact. You get the mad dash for cash at the App Store, users falling in love …(read more)
NetNewsWire for the iPad
Until I got my hands on the iPad, I could never have imagined how much better applications look and feel than on an iPhone or …(read more)
Why I’m Not Buying an iPad (and Why Maybe You Should)
I played around with an iPad for around 40 minutes yesterday and walked away disappointed. Ultimately, it's not what I'm looking for in a device …(read more)