Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
The iPhone Without Carriers
When the rumors first began oh so many eons ago that Apple was going to release a cell phone, I scoffed. In fact, I scoffed …(read more)
Microsoft Selling Macs with Latest Ads
Mac users are a shaudenfreud motivated bunch, the hard core would just as soon see Microsoft make a huge blunder as see Apple create something …(read more)
What Would You Pay for a Low-End Mac?
In days of yore, last century, last millenium, Apple had a reputation of selling expensive computers that were out of reach of the budget of …(read more)
Firewire, We Will Miss You
I was both amazed and disappointed to find that the new MacBooks no longer sport a FireWire port. I can't help but feel that this …(read more)
Why you didn’t see an $800 MacBook: The Dell Comparison
Apple is worse than ever at keeping what is coming next a secret. This inability to keep a secret is counterbalanced by a rumor mill …(read more)
Will Apple Ever Give Us What We Know We Want?
Up in Cupertino way, a little company you might have heard of has been quietly gnawing away at various consumer electronics markets. Once a niche …(read more)
The $399 MacBook Mini
Ever since the development of the Mac Plus there has always been a tension at Apple between the desire to innovate and be the computer …(read more)
A DVD Ripper Do-It-Yourself Part 1
I really like the Apple TV concept, but unfortunately it isn't exactly what I'm looking for in a media center right now. Before I go …(read more)
10 Mac Power User Apps
If you're new to Mac computers or if you want to accomplish more as a Mac user there are an handful of applications, plug-ins, OS …(read more)
iPhone Improvements Wish List
I don't know about you, but I reckon the iPhone really is the best thing sliced bread. But it's not without fault and still can …(read more)
The Horrible State of IPTV Set Top Boxes or Why Apple Should Rethink Its Strategy
Everyone has a complaint about Apple. The company is too closed, the products cost too much, there is no Mac between the iMac and the …(read more)
Apple’s iWeb Multimedia Computer?
Recently, as we all know by now, Apple held yet another special event to showcase yet another upgrade in its revolutionary line of iPods and …(read more)