Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
Undooming the Apple TV
Hadley Stern recently wrote that the problem with the Apple TV was the resolution. The idea being that the HD option when using Apple TV …(read more)
Why You Should Think Twice Before Going the “hackint0sh” Way
Lately, the issue of Mac OS X being locked to Macs and being able to run it unofficially on non-Apple hardware has been getting a …(read more)
Is The Time for Clones Now?
The last time Apple openly accepted, nay even legally licensed clones the company was widely seen to be on its death bed. Having ignored the …(read more)
The Non Existent Glaring Hole in the Mac Lineup
If there is one constant refrain among the Mac elite it is that there exists a hole in the Mac line. Where, these people wonder, …(read more)
The Genius of Apple Stores
We have written critically here in the past about Apple Stores (and you readers have responded with 100's of comments). This was during a time …(read more)
Apple Evangelism: Enough Already!
Nathaniel was an undeniably sweet kid. At the age of three his teachers often opined that Nathaniel didn't have a mean bone in his body …(read more)
1080P, AKA Apple TV’s Downfall
I love my Apple TV. It streams all my music in an easy to use way. My kids can watch their favorite Lego Star Wars …(read more)
Note to RIM and Samsung: You’re Doing it Wrong
The past few days have been of interest for iPhone fans, both Samsung and RIM have shown of next generation phones that look remarkably like …(read more)
The Greatest Threat, and Opportunity for iTunes
The best way to understand the situation facing iTunes is to look at other business models for distribution that don’t require the ownership of music. …(read more)
Farewell, Apple Matters
For the last year I have contributed to Apple Matters and have enjoyed every post of it. But, I will be leaving and would like …(read more)
Flash and Java on the iPhone - Similar Problems, Similar Fate
Even before the SDK beta was officially released, everyone concerned knew that it was going to be limited in several ways. We knew that Apple …(read more)
My Take on Leander’s Piece AKA Apple Is Evil
My reaction isn’t as angry as Jon Gruber’s over at Daring Fireball. However, when you put aside that anger one can’t help but agree with …(read more)