Old_guy's Profile

  • May 31, 2006
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Latest comments made by: Old_guy

  • I believe that at several times Apple was selling more in $ than the clone manufacturers, because the clone market was divided among so many companies. In the mid and late '80s, when I would advocate a Mac purchase, the response I got from many was - "Will it run Lotus 123 and WordStar (or WordPerfect)?" - "No," I'd reply, "but there are equivalent programs for the Mac." "Oh, but I'd have to buy those, I'm just going to copy the programs I need from the office." So, my hypothesis (untestable, I'm afraid) is that software piracy gave the PC clones their initial boost into the home market.
    Old_guy had this to say on May 31, 2006 Posts: 1
    Can Macs Dominate the Personal Computer Market?