The iPhone Antenna “Issue”: FUD

FUD* is one of those wonderful technology terms that is thrown around quite a bit, although not by this author. But today, observing the absurd accusations against Apple and the iPhone from all quarters, it …(read more)
The Network Behind the iPhone
The network is a pretty big deal in deciding whether to buy a cell phone—but just how big may depend on how you plan to …(read more)
iPhone Shortage and Business Worries
When you look at the iPhone, what do you see? Do you see an iPod/phone combination aimed at home users and casual show-offs, or do …(read more)
WWDC Delivers the Goods — and a Hot Safari!
Much to the disappointment of the eternally optimistic and eternally high-hoped Apple fans, as was really expected, Steve didn’t reveal anything surprisingly new about Leopard …(read more)
Live Report for WWDC 2007
11:14 Another last thing….The iPhone is shipping. Going on sale at 6 PM in the evening. But what about developers?!! There is now an innovative …(read more)
Microsoft Challenging Apple’s Multi-touch
Microsoft has just recently announced a touch-sensitive coffee table-shaped computer called “Surface.” The idea is to have a computer system operating without the need of …(read more)
Microsoft Launches New FUD Season
Wabbit season! Duck season! Wabbit season! Duck Season! Elmer season! Elmer FUD that is. Along with many other news outlets, The Age newspaper reported last …(read more)
1 Email, 15 Million Shares, and a 23 Minute Lie: The iPhone Phenomenon Continues
You may or may not feel that Engadget did anything wrong in their handling of this mini-scandal. I have read many articles that take the …(read more)
StarCraft Redux
Let me start by saying that I love StarCraft. It is one of my all-time favorite games. You have humans and aliens, cool weapons, great …(read more)
iPhone a Success Story or Flop?
Depending on which stories you’ve read, there’s little over a month now until the iPhone is released in the U.S., and from what I’ve read …(read more)
Greg Ng, On Today in iPhone Podcast
Make sure to check our Gregory Ng, the Editor-in-Chief of iPhone Matters and a big contributor to Apple Matters as he chats with Rob Walch, …(read more)
Apple to Save Millions in Not Submitting Trivial Patent Applications
Last week, two interesting and very related news stories caught my eye. In the first one, in the U.S. it will be harder to get …(read more)
Apple Revamps Retail Support
As rumored some days ago, Apple revamped their in-store support options on Wednesday with, as AppleInsider put it, “less bang for the buck.” In conjunction …(read more)