The iPhone Antenna “Issue”: FUD

FUD* is one of those wonderful technology terms that is thrown around quite a bit, although not by this author. But today, observing the absurd accusations against Apple and the iPhone from all quarters, it …(read more)
Apple Debuts New ‘Get a Mac’ Ads
We’ve known the two guys at the forefront of the ‘Get a Mac’ advertisement campaign for so long now, so do you think we’d get …(read more)
iPhone Reaction: Slick but Unwanted?
Apple Computer Incorporated revealed the iPhone, an unoriginal name for a very original product, just minutes ago at Macworld ‘07. The reaction of the crowd …(read more)
Macworld 2007 - Summary and iPhone Announcement
It’s that time of year again when the Mac community acts like excited school children on caffeine, awaiting Steve Jobs and co. to appear on …(read more)
What Do You Think of the iPhone?
We will have some commentary right after we go to the restroom after waiting a few hours! In the meantime start commenting below. iPhone. Revolutionary? …(read more)
Go to live.applematters Now!
Live report from the Macworld SF Steve Jobs keynote begins at 9 am PST. See you then!
Like we have done for almost every Macworld since 2001 we will once again be reporting live from the floor of Moscone Center tomorrow morning …(read more)
James Stoup Interviewed on NPR About Possible iPhone
Our very own James Stoup opines about the iPhone on NPRs Morning Edition. You can check out the audio here. Go, James!
Leopard - What We Know & What We Can Expect
When Steve Jobs showed off a list of features from Leopard last year, the Mac community began to stir with excitement whilst combining a hint …(read more)
Macworld 2007 - What’s Expected?
It’s every Mac lovers favourite time of the year, a time when Apple CEO Steve Jobs and his sneakers gather on stage to unveil exciting …(read more)
Beatles On Your iPod?
On May 10, two days after Apple Computer won the Apple vs. Apple trademark dispute, quoted the vice president of iTunes as saying “We …(read more)
Double Twist iTunes Destroyer?
By now you’ve probably read that Jon Johansen, also called “DVD Jon”, has developed a system that enables music downloaded from iTunes to play on …(read more)
Hello? Is That the iPhone?
For as long as there has been Apple, there have been rumors. And ever since Apple took over the iPod market, there have been rumors …(read more)