Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
Cool Things You Can Do with Old Macs
Imagine for a moment that you have more money than sense, plenty of time, and a burning desire for all things Mac. Well then, have …(read more)
The Pros and Cons of Secrecy
There is no question about it: Apple is a very secretive company. If you need proof of this, try a Google search for “Apple rumors.” …(read more)
Lesson for the recording industry: Know what you’re selling
You hear it all the time: the music industry whining about piracy. Since people are self possessed they imagine this is the first time in …(read more)
Macs: Computers for Everyone
Do you remember when Macs were seen as computers for beginners? I do. There was a time when the simplicity of Macs made them a …(read more)
THIS JUST IN! The iPhone Is Good! Back to You Bob for Traffic and Weather.
I get it. I do. The iPhone is nice. Really nice. It scrolls, it rolls, it slices, it dices. It even makes Julienne fries! It …(read more)
Music Subscriptions Could Work, Eventually
In a previous column I discussed music downloads, and mainly focused on whether we truly “own” music that is locked with DRM. I briefly mentioned …(read more)
A Conundrum Wrapped in an Enigma Bolted Together with 14 Million Tiny Freaking Screws
Hello everyone, today’s article is about what I like to call a “personal growth moment.” And by that I mean that after this happened I …(read more)
Where to Now for OS X?
Leopard is upon us and is described by most reviewers as a mature operating system. So where does that leave the future of OS X? …(read more)
Vista Was Doomed 6 Years Ago
There is a lot of talk these days about Vista being a miserable failure, and in some ways it is, but that’s not the whole …(read more)
Innovation Can Be Found in the Most Unlikely of Places
If you look at Sony today and then ponder where they might be in the future, I think the most upbeat statement you could make …(read more)
Everyone Uses a Mac Nowadays
“Everyone uses Macs nowadays”. What chance you’ll ever hear that statement? Human nature has it that we generalize and exaggerate. So you look around, see …(read more)
Return of the Old Apple? Not Yet.
TUAW’s Mike Schramm made an interesting post the other day entitled “Return of the Apple we know and love?” Responding to a Macworld article, he …(read more)