Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
iPhone to Further Influence Future Apple Devices And UMPCs
The iPhone marked the beginning of a revolution, a change in how people interact with computers and each other. But as we progress through the …(read more)
The iPod touch Coming Up Short? A Thorough Analysis.
The iPod touch has created a remarkable schism in the Apple community. There are those who feel certain that the device is as compromised as …(read more)
Apple Needs Competition
If you are thinking about buying a new iPod or iPhone, then you really need to read this great piece by Jeremy Horwitz entitled Is …(read more)
The iPod Shuffle Will Die in 2007
The iPod Shuffle’s debut at Macworld 2005 signaled Apple’s intentions to dominate the low end market and although it was seemingly effective then, the iPod …(read more)
Adventures in Technology: Buying an iPhone in Canada
Well, I started writing an article for this week describing how there was no freaking way I’d buy a hacked iPhone. At the outset, it …(read more)
Life is Getting Tougher for the New Apple
Who remembers the good ol’ days of Apple? Us against them, the quest to stay in business. In those days, sure Apple took advantage of …(read more)
One Day I Will Switch from Apple
I really like Apple’s products. I love the iPod. It rocks. I have three. I love Macs. They rock too. I have two (working on …(read more)
Parallels and VMware Are Gateway Drugs to Windows
I’m seeing it more and more. Friends, family, and co-workers are enamored by the Mac not because of OS X but because now they can, …(read more)
Movie Rentals Will Significantly Increase iPod and iPhone Storage
It can be speculated why Apple hasn’t introduced a subscription based music service and the yet-to-be movie rental system. Whatever the reason, I believe it …(read more)
The New iPods are Confusing
Ahh remember the good old days when there was one iPod? That amazing beautiful little 5 gigger that changed the music industry forever. And then …(read more)
Why No Fries with the iPod touch?
After nine months of anticipation, Apple finally released an iPod based on the iPhone form factor and interface. But for reasons unknown, Apple chose to …(read more)
iTunes and Movies Don’t Mix: How Apple Can Fix This Now
iTunes is a victim of its pedigree. It began its life as Soundjam, an excellent mp3 music player and manager that was acquired by Apple. …(read more)