Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
Squealing Swine: The Sad Position of early iPhone Adopters
If you’ve got a passing interest in Apple products and live within a few hundred miles of an internet connection you’ve heard the news: Apple …(read more)
The Future Of Mobile Interfaces And Apple
The recent rumors of Apple working closely with Volkswagen to build an iCar seemed way out there for Apple, but it later turned out to …(read more)
Why I Bought the iPhone Now
I caved in and bought an iPhone yesterday. I do not have it yet, but the good people at FedEx should be dropping it at …(read more)
Thanks Apple for the $200 bitch-slap
I love my iPhone. I waited 29 hours in line for it and it was worth it. But what Apple did yesterday was wrong, just …(read more)
Making Beautiful Computers Is Hard for Everyone but Apple. Why?
As a programmer I find myself working on Dells everywhere I go. Every office, every complex, and every customer site is littered with Dells. In …(read more)
mPhone, Anyone?
Somewhere on the Redmond campus… The vein in Ballmer’s forehead is throbbing. If he’s not careful, he may direct his anger on yet another unsuspecting, …(read more)
The Video Generation Has Yet To Hit Hard
As you know, the reaction to iMovie ‘08 has prompted some very shocked and demeaning responses. The interesting thing, though, is why the massive overhaul …(read more)
iPod and the Beatles: Here Comes the Sun
On the 5th of September, Apple is planning a little get-together for their good friends in the media. Very recently they held a little to-do …(read more)
Three Years that Shook the World: 1984, 1995, and 2006
We all like a good law. Some of our favorites are Moore’s Law, which tells us our new computer will be obsolete faster than we …(read more)
The Coming Leopard Letdown
John Gruber has branched out from his usually excellent blog, Daring Fireball and has started writing for Macworld. I say good for him (yes, I’m …(read more)
Black Is the New…er…Black
Seen the new iMac? It’s gotten darker. More specifically, it has a nice matte silver finish with jet black trim. In fact, it looks very …(read more)
The Times Are A Changin’
“Time…is on our side, yes it is…” (song fades) Ahhh, time…. It’s a funny thing. Time and change go hand in hand all too often. …(read more)