Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
What Do We Know About the iPhone?
With exactly three weeks to go until the launch of the iPhone, I thought it would be about time to go over what we know …(read more)
Apple Culture vs. Microsoft Culture
The OS wars of the late 90s are over, companies once out to kill each other are now friends, and nothing is ever beige; we’ve …(read more)
You Want a Phone with that iPod?
At MacWorld San Francisco, 2007, on demoing the iPhone, Steve pitched it squarely at the smartphone market. Since then many have theorized if, foremost, it’s …(read more)
The Contradictions of Apple TV
Apple TV is a curious device. Stuck between the digital media and high definition content. In many ways this is a battle of gigabytes. Sony’s …(read more)
Memo to Steve Jobs: 7 Reasons to Decouple OS X from Apple Hardware Now
Dear Steve, I have to admit it is a little strange writing to you. So many of us in the broader Apple family feel like …(read more)
The Eventual Death Of The Mac Mini And Why
It’s been rumored that Apple’s Mac Mini will soon bite the dust. Introduced in January 2005, the Mac Mini’s aim was to entice switchers and …(read more)
Has Apple Become Just One of the Crowd?
Remember a time when every week generated exciting stories about matters Apple? This was in the days before Mighty Mouse, Intel, and Boot Camp. Life …(read more)
Sony’s Answer to the iPhone?
It was announced a couple of days ago that BT and Sony will be partnering up to allow the PSP (PlayStation Portable) to make voice …(read more)
MacBook Pro: Is This a True Road Warrior’s Machine?
Last week, I traveled to Portland for RailsConf 2007. It was a great show, and although I could only attend for two of the four …(read more)
Rolling Back OS X: The Saga Continues
Last week I wrote about the need for OS X to include a rollback feature so any system or application updates that caused problems could …(read more)
The Coming Mac Renaissance
We Mac users are known for our infinite patience. I remember installing the first public beta of OS X and thinking, what an absolute mess. …(read more)
This Old iBook
Receiving an old Mac is like going back in time, using a product with a unique design Apple discontinued long ago. It can also make …(read more)