Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
Ways to Secure Files in OS X
Do you know how to make your files secure? Do you know how to put a password on them? Make them invisible? Encrypt them? If …(read more)
Will Leopard Provide Real Rollback?
One of the problems of installing updates to your system is that any bad effects are sometimes not immediately apparent. Consequently, even if you can …(read more)
Work Life Balance: Don’t Believe the Hype
People will tell you that work-life-balance (WLB) is important. Everyone receives this message (from either their management or HR teams), and as leaders, we deliver …(read more)
Are Partitioning Applications Passé?
Last week I needed to resize the partitions on my hard disk so decided to use a non-destructive approach. I did intend to review the …(read more)
Mighty Mouse Must Die!
Brace yourselves, folks, as this is one writer who is in no mood to praise Apple today. The Mighty Mouse I proudly purchased back in …(read more)
Opinion: “Living without an iPod?” or “The Appliance-ization of Media”
Recently, my kick-butt Shure e4c headphones died. Immediately thereafter, my 60Gb Video iPod died. My daughter’s iBook died a few weeks ago, and my wife’s …(read more)
How To: Change Your iPod Face Plate and Clickwheel and Bring It Back from the Dead
I’m not a huge fan of white everything, call me a traitor but when it comes to watching video on a portable device, I tend …(read more)
Do People Who Don’t Know How to Use Computers Choose PCs?
It seems that people who don’t know how to use a computer buy PCs. Maybe that’s a generalization, but I was just struck to wondering …(read more)
Improving the ITMS
I really like the iTunes Music Store. Since its creation I have bought hundreds of songs and several videos and downloaded many, many podcasts. And …(read more)
iPods, Nanos, and a Little Bit of WWDC
This weekend we bought our third iPod for the Bookspan house. It’s the fourth we’ve owned, although we really don’t want to start maintaining a …(read more)
How Much Should Software Cost?
In the last couple of years I’ve reviewed many applications with a net cost of well over a thousand dollars. Considering I only review applications …(read more)
Who Wins if Microsoft Dies
Springtime in the northern hemisphere, must be Microsoft hunting season. The Inquirer kicks off with a piece pleasantly titled, “Microsoft is in deep trouble and …(read more)