Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
Just Call Me Jobs. Steve Jobs.
Steve Jobs has been known to be the king of secrecy when it comes to all things Apple. Something slipping through his grasp is rare, …(read more)
What If There Are No Top Secret Features in Leopard?
Apple says Leopard is still on schedule for a spring 2007 launch. But when you do the math, you see that as the number of …(read more)
The “Privacy Optional” Generation
Today I have some questions for all my readers out there. How many of you are a part of a social network? Facebook, MySpace, Flickr …(read more)
Why I Wish I Could Use Safari (and Other Task-Focused Mac Apps)
In returning to the Mac, I initially tried absorbing every key Mac app to “live the life” of a Mac user. What I found was …(read more)
iPod shuffle: Is it Worth Betting On?
The other day I chucked out my iPod shuffle. It was less than two years old. It had nothing to do with the quality of …(read more)
Hello everyone. As the newest blogger to Apple Matters, I thought I would write a little story on my relatively recent return to the Macintosh. …(read more)
WWDC June 2007 — What Should We Expect?
The World Wide Developers Conference is about on par with MacWorld, where every year Apple attends and shows off to the world what they’ve been …(read more)
The Not So Great Future Of The iPod
Face it. Two roads lay before the iPod, good and bad. I have already covered the good, but the bad is a whole other story. …(read more)
How to Write the Most Popular Apple Article Ever
After writing for Apple Matters for nearly a year and on various blogs for even longer, I feel I now have my finger on the …(read more)
iPhone Realizes Steve’s Dream to Exploit Mac OS
If the iPhone succeeds, it will very quickly have numbers that could dwarf the Mac and run down the iPod. That alone could lead to …(read more)
Where Does the iMac Go From Here?
The original iMac came out in 1998. Four years later, in the first month of 2002, the second version showed up. Two years after that …(read more)
The Glorious Future Of The iPod
The iPod has sparked a revolution in the mobile MP3 market, with a cult-like following and approaching 100 million units sold. Can the iPod be …(read more)