Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
The End of the Operating Systems War
I am old enough to remember a world before the web, when the most exciting Internet services were Gopher, WAIS, and LISTSERV. I remember …(read more)
My Old iMac
The iMac was Apple’s successful attempt at jump-starting the failing company. The machine had the Internet and simplicity in mind, sporting an all-in-one setup and …(read more)
When is an iPod not an iPod?
When it’s not an iPod. Living out in the bush (that’s Australian for anywhere outside of the big-smoke), Apple’s existence seems to be somewhat different. …(read more)
The Amazing Resale Value of Your Mac
If you buy a PC, what’s it worth in a year? 70% of what you paid for it? Maybe. How about in two years? 40%? …(read more)
Commentary: Apple’s New PDA!
Apple has finally, finally, finally come out with its long-awaited and much-anticipated PDA! Surprisingly enough, however, no one seems to have noticed. Like many of …(read more)
Big Guns Target iTunes Video Store
The iTunes Video store has grown gradually since it started, but it has not quite taken off the way its audio counterpart did. The reasons …(read more)
Apple’s Biggest Gamble: Why the iPhone Has to Be Great
Apple’s Biggest Gamble Since the beginning, when Steve jobs borrowed money to produce 50 Apple Is, Apple has been a gambling company. The chances the …(read more)
Thoughts on Steve Jobs’ Desire to Abolish DRMs
In a surprise and welcome move, Steve Jobs has posted an article, Thoughts on Music, on the Apple website explaining Apple’s position on Digital Rights …(read more)
Vista Helping OS X
According to DigitMag, Microsoft having 10 different versions of Windows Vista is one large reason why OS X will win (win what?), stating that OS …(read more)
New Chips Are Nice, But How About Some New Cases, Apple?
The chip revisions are getting harder to keep up with at Apple town; the Mac mini uses a Core 2 Duo (or some such) as …(read more)
Has the iPhone Killed the Video iPod?
The iPhone guranteees there’ll be no video iPod for a long time. If you don’t need to buy an iPhone to get a video iPod, …(read more)
Why Apple Really Needs to Do Something Special Now
After exactly half a decade and almost three XP service packs later, Microsoft finally gets around to releasing Windows Vista. As an ex-Windows user—I say …(read more)