Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
Why Apple’s proprietary system and small market share are a good thing
Many would gaff at such a claim, as the fact that OS X cannot be installed on any generic box is a deal breaker for …(read more)
iPhone and the Mac’s Slow Slog Towards iDeath
Wishing to learn more about his chosen business, Hiroshi Yamauchi braved the perils of intercontinental travel to visit the home of the world’s largest manufacturer …(read more)
Can Apple Really Dominate The Mobile Market?
After years of being developed within the bowels of Cupertino, Apple has stunned us all by releasing what may be the ultimate smart phone. Apple …(read more)
The New 12” MacBook Will Have an iPhone-like Interface
Imagine Apple releasing a 12” MacBook pro in June. Now imagine opening it up only to find the keyboard is missing. It has been replaced …(read more)
Ultimate Death Match: iPhone Versus RAZR
As much as Steve was pushing the iPhone as a competitor for smart phones, and Steve was pitching that concept harder than a head high …(read more)
When Is The Real MacWorld?
I had originally assumed that Apple would never release anything like the iPhone at MacWorld. Because, well, you know MacWorld is for. . . Macs. …(read more)
The iPhone is Great But What About The Rest?
Don’t sit there and deny it. Don’t tell me that the iPhone and AppleTV deal was enough for you because, in all honesty, it certainly …(read more)
The Biggest Deal About Macworld was the Name Change
“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose By any other word would smell as sweet.” —From Romeo and Juliet (II, ii, 1-2) …(read more)
Confessions of a Steve Jobs Zombie
Finding myself outside Moscone at 4 AM the morning of the Macworld keynote lead to certain, unavoidable conclusion: I was in grave danger of becoming …(read more)
MacWorld Surprises Again With Steve Back To His Best
This year I decided to follow MacWorld live. Being Down Under, that meant I had to get up almost as early as Hadley and Chris. …(read more)
iPhone Reaction: Slick but Unwanted?
Apple Computer Incorporated revealed the iPhone, an unoriginal name for a very original product, just minutes ago at Macworld ‘07. The reaction of the crowd …(read more)
The Time is Right For an Apple Phone (if it’s any good)
Since the Mac mini specs were leaked prior to Macworld ‘05 Steve Jobs has been plugging holes in the security of the good ship Apple …(read more)