Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
Victory Records Won’t License to iTunes
Tony Brummel of Victory Records won’t license any music from his label to iTunes, and he’s making sure everybody knows why. According to a guest …(read more)
Playing Nicely with Others
You know the drill. You’re asked to email a document to someone; you have a Mac, they don’t… so what’s the best way to make …(read more)
Will We Ever Pay For Security?
How many email accounts do you have? 3? 5? 10? One for work, two or three for your personal life, one for a special mailing …(read more)
The Fundamental Flaw with Origami and Its Ilk
Recently Microsoft announced a new product it will be releasing called Oragami. It is an interesting piece of hardware that falls somewhere between a PDA …(read more)
What Do You Want out of Leopard?
Apple recently announced the dates of its World Wide Developers Conference. This year it is coming a bit later than usual, running August 7-11 instead …(read more)
Why Apple Needs the Web 2.0 Revolution
Yesterday, when Chris wrote here on Apple Matters about how the web application, Writely, may signal the end for Microsoft, he hit the nail right …(read more)
Part 4: Apple, Linux and Unix; How the Other Operating Systems Fared
In this continuing alternate reality, Microsoft doesn’t exist, and now all IBM computers are running CP/M from Digital Research. But Apple and Unix aren’t out …(read more)
Five Reasons Why There Will Be No Macs in 2010
The Mac, and Apple, have been counted out more times than Gabby Jay. Unlike Super Punch Out’s resident tomato can, the Mac keeps getting up …(read more)
Thoughts on the Five Percent Nation
I go to a lot of conferences. It goes hand in hand with the whole media / marketing / web2.0 world I live in. We …(read more)
iScrewed Up: Apple Goes to the Hype Well One Time Too Many
It was 1978, a small orb with bad intentions eyed a human victim. Hurtling from the troposphere the red ball of kamikaze doom began to …(read more)
Apple’s (Free) Publicity Machine
Where would Apple be today without the rumor-go-round? Apple seems to have this mass of people who generate much free publicity for Apple. For example: …(read more)
MacBook Pro First Impressions
By this date, any interested parties have had more than ample opportunity to read about the MacBook Pro. You’ve read about the speed, the dock …(read more)