Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
Boot Camp: Apple’s Insanely Bad Idea
When Apple released Boot Camp Mac users everywhere breathed a huge sigh of relief. What the zealots never mentioned, the one thing we were most …(read more)
What will Apple look like by 2010?
Well, Apple is 30. Thirty years in the IT industry is 10 or so lifetimes. Who knows where Apple will be in 30 years, but …(read more)
What Apple Can Learn from Skittles and Windows XP
There are a significant number of Mac fans walking around in a state of perpetual befuddlement over the lack of Mac advertising in general and …(read more)
Live CDs for the Mac
Live CDs are pretty cool. They allow a computer to boot from an operating system contained on a CD and usually have enough applications to …(read more)
Does the Mac Lineup Need a Makeover?
Like any business, Apple finds it necessary to periodically refresh its image, sometimes with big jumps in its designs. Take for instance, the switch from …(read more)
Has Apple Finally Become a Monopoly Like Microsoft?
Recently Mac users everywhere have been faced with a very disturbing thought. Most try not to say it out loud for fear it might be …(read more)
Microsoft’s Precarious Moment
The press is full of stories about Microsoft’s continually slipping ship date for Vista. Some will even have you believe that the farther the date …(read more)
iPod: The Marketing Premium of Choice
A marketer is always looking for the lure that will drag in an otherwise unwilling participant into a desired activity: interact at a conference booth, …(read more)
Why My Mac is Not My Favorite Computer
My favorite computer is not a Mac. There I’ve said it. Ok. Maybe that’s a bit misleading… What is a computer? How complicated does an …(read more)
Win a shuffle (or 5 Reasons a shuffle is Better than a nano)
The usual person in charge of administering Apple Matters is on vacation. So, site owner Hadley Stern tapped me to post the stories and such. …(read more)
Travel Light. And Take Your Mac.
Under pressure, that’s where our Macs shine. And for pressure, nothing beats dragging three kids, six suitcases and two laptops through two airports on our …(read more)
Recording on the Cheap
I thought that this would happen less and less but twice this week I have been asked how to get old tapes and records onto …(read more)