Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
The Importance of Customer Service
Customer service is an increasingly important aspect of doing business in today’s market. After all, when products differ only slightly, a major selling point will …(read more)
Why the New Mac Campaign will Fail
Last Thursday, this space featured a column earnestly opining that advertising the iPod alone wasn’t enough to help Mac sales. This week Apple introduced new …(read more)
What We Think about the New Mac Ads
Here’s what some of our staff has to say about the new Mac Ads. David Czepanski: Gotta love those new Mac ads. At least one …(read more)
Reverse the Upgrade Curse
Who’s got a budget, or any form of restricted finances? Most of us. And who’s place of employment is similarly constrained? What about your educational …(read more)
Steve Jobs’ Biggest Trick
John Gruber posits that Microsoft’s biggest trick was making people believe that Windows is an open standard. Certainly it isn’t, “open” doesn’t mean “common.” Linux …(read more)
What Device Should Apple Conquer Next?
I think most people will agree that Apple, as a whole, makes products that are very well designed. Two of their most elegantly designed products …(read more)
Does Apple Really Have a Halo Effect?
If you imagine yourself as a Tron type of guy inhabiting a virtual Macrosphere, three steps in any direction will take you to a place …(read more)
Human Interface Guidelines: The Mac Zealots’ Con?
Recently when questioning the Apple Way, it was politely suggested I read the Human Interface Guidelines and then I’d know why the one-button mouse had …(read more)
Why Vista will be GREAT!
There’s an old joke, one you’ve likely heard before, which goes something like this: Q: “Why are you beating your head against the wall?” A: …(read more)
The Programming World Needs a New Language
Most programmers only know three languages, the one they learned first, the one they use at their job and the one that’s their favorite. Every …(read more)
Death of a Salesman: What Would Happen to Apple or Microsoft if Bill or Steve Die?
Vista, Boot Camp, a possible Google OS, and Virtualization are the topics de jour. And from my general sense of things, it feels like Apple …(read more)
Will Vista Be the Last Operating System Microsoft Produces?
I don’t think Microsoft will ship another Operating System after Vista launches. I believe that a combination of technical difficulties and changing markets will prevent …(read more)