Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
Is Windows On a Mac Really Drawing in New Users?
In the past few days, I’ve read of a few stories of people switching to a Mac for their next computer system, and I’ve even …(read more)
When Is It Okay to Insult iPod Users?
The Apple fraternity is up in arms at SanDisk. You see, to promote its latest player, SanDisk has set up an “iDon’t” website, with not-so-subtle …(read more)
Are Macs an Acquired Taste?
Dieter Glaser, in a testament to indirect knowledge gleaned from clever experimentation, has discovered that most of the animal world cannot discern the very useful, …(read more)
What Leopard Should Fix: Part One, Kill the Spinning Ball
Back three years ago I started writing a fun (at least I thought so!) series on what Panther should fix. You can read, for nostalgia’s …(read more)
The Best and Worst Technology Companies of 2006: A Report Card
I have come across several authors recently who have been speculating on the health and long-term viability of many prominent “tech” companies. Unfortunately they only …(read more)
Microsoft Provides Easy OS X Security Hack
Nothing like an 11 year old to find a security hole in Apple’s OS X. Of course, it helps if he gets some assistance from …(read more)
iPhone: iThink Not
If you were kicking around Europe in the middle ages there were certain things, William Manchester tells us, that you simply believed. Saber toothed hirsute …(read more)
The New MacBook Pro: Apple, Throw Us a Bone (and Fill It with RAM)
Imagine that you were one of the first people in line for the MacBook Pro way back in January. Knowing that Apple charges a premium …(read more)
Who Will Pay for TV in the Future?
The times, they are a changing. And it looks like the latest major industry to get shaken up by Apple’s new wave of innovation is …(read more)
The Curse of the Apple Rumor Mill
Once upon a time, Apple rumors were few and far between—when Apple rumors were cherished, looked forward to and accurate. The Apple rumor was a …(read more)
Is Apple Getting Complacent?
Whatever happened to the Applelution? Remember the iMac? THE iMac? The Bondi Blue translucent all-in-one may have impressed some. The iMac G5/Intel all-in-one is impressive. …(read more)
Do Macs Need to Run Extra Antivirus Software?
It was interesting to see that the “first” of the new ads released by Apple was touting how resilient the Mac is to viruses. That’s …(read more)