Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
Will Apple’s Leopard Leap Ahead?
The very appropriately named Leopard is fast approaching. And just as Leopard sounds like “leap ahead”, the expectation is that with 10.5, OS X will …(read more)
Microsoft’s Phone Needs to Take a Page from Apple
Things aren’t going well for Microsoft. Its stock is moribund, Bill Gates is bailing, Ballmer can’t seem to rise above the level of a running …(read more)
Who Will Out-Search Google?
Done any searching online recently? Chances are good that you have used Google to find what you want. And its a great choice too, because …(read more)
Is the iTunes Movie Store a Good Idea?
The long lusted for iTunes Movie store (would Apple really give it a name that weak? Oh yeah, MacBook Pro, forget anyone asked) is making …(read more)
Fixing Mac Pricing
In the last couple of articles (part 1, part 2) on market-share, I established that there is an opportunity for Apple to increase its Mac …(read more)
The Truth about the “Apple Tax”
The most obvious way for Apple to increase its share of the computing pie, most aver, is to offer ever-cheaper computers. It makes perfect sense, …(read more)
Bill Gates’ True Legacy
Recently it was announced that in a few years Bill Gates would be stepping down and relinquishing much of his power and responsibility at Microsoft. …(read more)
Why Is Vista So Resource Hungry?
I have followed the Longhorn/Vista train wreck for some time now and one thing has always bothered me. Why is Vista so resource intensive? When …(read more)
Macs for Stealing, PCs for Pie Charts!
There didn’t seem to be much fanfare, but the number of “Get a Mac” Apple ads have increased by two. The new ads feature Mac …(read more)
How Would You Improve the iPod?
On the weekend I bought a Griffin iTalk. iLoveIt. But it made me realise, or more to the point, understand, why people buy non-iPods. The …(read more)
Where’s Apple’s Gadget Explosion?
Those attending college in the in Bay Area during the early-seventies stood a decent chance of being hit up by a scruffy guy offering to …(read more)
Free Mac with Each iPod Sold
Apple has got it all wrong. You see, during this year’s school shopping season they are giving away a free iPod with each computer. And …(read more)