Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
Will Leopard Actually Help Vista By Making it Look Bad?
IT managers are a weird bunch. They must be - most of them choose Windows afterall. They’re also conservative. (That’s why I fitted in.) They …(read more)
Where Do Displays Go From Here?
How big was your first computer’s display? My Performa came with a 15” CRT display and at the time I thought it was huge. Imagine, …(read more)
10 Best Apple Decisions of the Last Decade
Ten years ago Apple was searching for a buyer, preferably a White Knight type, but really anyone with a few billion in cash would have …(read more)
.Mac Needs to Be Radically Retooled
When Steve Jobs announced Time Machine at the recent WWDC keynote one could sense that he was excited about something. After all, at first blush …(read more)
iPods, Profit Pods, Tight Pods, and Podiatrists
Apple recently flexed its legal muscle against two smaller companies over its use of the letters “pod” in its product name. Apple has sent letters …(read more)
Do You Want Fries with that OS X?
Do you want fries with that OS? Do you want a “Meal Deal” or just a plain burger? It seems we can’t decide, because whenever …(read more)
Leopard Preview: Letdown or Return to Normalcy?
On August 7, 2006 the Mac community was twisted into a tightly coiled ball waiting to erupt in a spastic frenzy of Mac love when …(read more)
How Far Will Apple Take iChat?
It’s that time of year again when Mac users all squirm in anticipation of what might be unveiled. If you believe the rumors, soon Apple …(read more)
Is the Killer App Dead or Will Apple’s Numbers Revive It?
A killer app is one that is so desirable people will buy the system it runs on just to get the application. Does Apple have …(read more)
Will Apple Define The Future?
The year is 2030, Microsoft is virtually no more. With Bill Gates’ resignation 22 years previous, three virus ridden and rather lacking operating systems, both …(read more)
The Bad Start Defined: Zune
Zune, as any reasonably net savvy individual should be aware, is Microsoft’s answer to the iPod. Predicted by Steve Jobs, the Zune promises to be …(read more)
Is Microsoft Trying to Morph into Apple?
Microsoft has caused quite a stir with its recent Zune (what a stupid name) announcement, haven’t they? Oh, don’t get me wrong, I am sure …(read more)