Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
How the iTV Can Replicate the iPod’s Success
Earlier this week, Steve Jobs announced Apple’s big 2007 product, currently codenamed “iTV”. It can stream video from your computer to your TV wirelessly, with …(read more)
Mac or PC? PC Google Ads Suggest a Mac
There’s an interesting little poll running to gauge whether people given $3,000 would buy a Mac or a PC. Not surprisingly it is running way …(read more)
Apple Store Opening at MacArther Mall Norfolk, VA
This past Saturday I had the chance to go to the opening of the MacArthur mall Apple store in Norfolk, Virginia. This is a recap …(read more)
Has the Mac Hit Raskin’s Ideal?
The Mac started out as a request for a game console, morphed into a low-cost computer and finally became a full fledged but underpowered PC …(read more)
Is the New iMac a Mac mini Killer?
The Mac minis are a great computer, but the latest upgrades and pricing of the minis and the iMacs firmly direct the consumer’s focus to …(read more)
Special Event 12 September 2006; Let’s Not Get Hyped Up
Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages. Apple Computer has once again announced a special event due to take place on September …(read more)
Apple vs. Walmart: The Storm Is Gathering
In April of 2003 Apple had just opened its iTunes Music Store as it began its experiment to see if consumers really would buy music …(read more)
Specification Obsession: Is a Souped-up Computer Worth It?
People like the security of numbers because they provide a way to avoid all the nuances of argumentation and get straight to objective reality. Gas …(read more)
Apple Board Gets Googled
Out in California, the unMicrosoft is being built. Quick on the heels of the Google/eBay advertising alliance comes the startling announcement that Google CEO Eric …(read more)
What If Apple Did Sell Macs with Windows Pre-installed?
Apple may make jokes about Windows problems with viruses and other malware, but it has realized that the Microsoft fortress can be breached most easily …(read more)
Zune, The iPod Killer That Never Was
I was quite disappointed recently when I read that Microsoft’s much hyped iPod competitor was just a repacked Toshiba player with some different software. Afterwards …(read more)
Mac Resurgence: Is it all About the Getting Along?
If you spend a reasonable amount of time reading the Mac web you’ll likely notice some patterns emerging. While the content is admirably variable, there …(read more)