Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
Wal-Mart Threats: Part 2
Last week I wrote about the threats Wal-Mart made to movie studios who were considering offering DVD downloads through iTMS. Reports indicate that things have …(read more)
Could You Disconnect Your Mac?
Our fearless leader, Hadley, caused a bit of a stir in the last week by offering a theoretical situation of having to choose a life …(read more)
iTunes, the Middleman People Want
For the sufficiently geeky or antisocial, the car buying experience is one of unmitigated unpleasantness. You stop to browse and you are unavoidably thrust into …(read more)
Vista Ain’t that Bad, In Fact It’s Good
I’ve used a few versions of Vista beta’s sporadically. Say what you want about Microsoft they give people a view into what they are working …(read more)
iMac Impressions
Last week I talked about my experience migrating to my new iMac. Today I want to give my impressions. It is a lovely looking machine …(read more)
Memo to Microsoft
Microsoft is getting ready to undergo a sea change, at least that is the prevailing spin. On the other hand, Microsoft has been spouting that …(read more)
Wherein John Gruber Picks Windows
Apparently I have raised the ire of John Gruber who writes the often-wonderful (although often uncritical of Apple) blog Daring Fireball. But in slamming my …(read more)
Migrating to a new iMac
Last week I took delivery of a new iMac. Did I really need one? Well, I think so. How did it compare to my old …(read more)
The Operating System Is Dead
If you were on a desert island and you could only take the following two machines: 1. A MacPro with all apps installed with no …(read more)
Apple Understands Simplicity
Simplicity. OS X’s built-in dictionary (based on the Oxford American Dictionary) defines simplicity as “The quality or condition of being easy to understand or do.” …(read more)
Evolution of Mac Pricing or Surprise! Apple Cares!
Besides the one button mouse the biggest debate in the history of the Mac has been the high price. Actually, calling the matter a “debate” …(read more)
Apple Will Never Surprise Us Again
I have bad news for everyone, we have officially reached the end of an era. Light a candle, sing a song and call your mother …(read more)