Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
What is Leopard Up Against in Vista?
Before too long, Vista will be released upon the world. Will it be a match for Leopard which will follow a few months later? What …(read more)
Reality Check, I Am Not Part of the New Tech Savy Generation
Last week reality body-checked me so hard I almost coughed up my own teeth, and it all started when I decided to get a new …(read more)
iPod = Apple 2.0?
When Apple first became a legal partnership just over thirty years ago, few would have suspected that the next thirty years would end up being …(read more)
6 Things I Would Change in the iTunes Store
I like the iTunes Music store, but I have always found some things extremely annoying with it. I spend some of my music money there …(read more)
Who Does Apple Think is Buying iPods?
Recently Choice, an Australian consumer watchdog organization, seriously questioned the iPod’s quality and Apple Australia’s iPod service. In the quest for humor, Choice undermined its …(read more)
Why Consumers Won’t See “Mac Genuine Advantage” Anytime Soon
Windows Genuine Advantage is a system developed by Microsoft in an attempt to thwart piracy. And with Vista, WGA gets even more pervasive. With its …(read more)
The iPod Virus: Apple Arrogance
Recently, there was an outbreak of E. Coli in the United States- bags of spinach across the country were recalled and the questionable spinach was …(read more)
Psst, iPod versus Zune is really a format War
Steve Ballmer recently said that the iPod and the Zune were pieces of software wherein the profit was realized by selling hardware. Which explains why …(read more)
The Cost of Apple Discipleship
2007 is going to be a good year for Apple. A very good year. Apple in 2007 will ask you to dip into your pocket …(read more)
How Many People Actually Use Ergonomic Keyboards?
How many people reading this article work in front of a computer all day? A few? Ok, how many of us work in front of …(read more)
Can a Widescreen iPod Jump Start the eBook Revolution?
The Bible, put simply, was revolutionary in more ways than one. Today we are interested in the most mundane of the revolutions: the evolution from …(read more)
Latest Apple Ads: Is the Mac Message Missed in the Mirth?
Apple has now made available the latest ads in the “Get a Mac” promotion. The number of ads in the series now totals 15 and …(read more)