Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
Can Boot Camp Really Give Windows the Boot?
Recently Chris Seibold in his excellent article No Magic Bullet for the Mac, discussed Boot Camp and other developments of late, and their likely affect …(read more)
OS X for All?
The release of Boot Camp, the Apple authored Windows booting solution, was greeted with a gleeful squeal by the Mac community at large. It was …(read more)
How Long Will Apple Keep the MACH Microkernel?
The subject of kernels is normally both too technical, and too boring, for your average user. However I feel that in light of recent events …(read more)
When Hot Is Not
People (read PC users) often lament what is missing from the Mac. “They’re not very expandable are they?” “No Publisher?” “Where are the built in …(read more)
MacBook Pro: Great Product, Shame about the Name
Early feedback from the launch of Apple’s new MacBook Pro indicates widespread dissatisfaction with the name. While the product itself is the usual sleek and …(read more)
Features of an iPod Killer
So, you want to make an iPod killer huh? Well, there are a few things you need to know before you invest your hard earned …(read more)
Apple: The Bad and the Ugly. And Some Good
Apple does some good things. Boot Camp for example. Everyone’s talking about Boot Camp. If I had been writing last week, I too would have …(read more)
No Magic Bullet for the Mac
To some Mac lovers, the rational among us, market share just doesn’t matter. For members of that camp as long as Apple makes OS X …(read more)
Explorer or Nothing
We struck a problem the other day. I’m not sure if there’s an answer to this problem and even if there is, I’m not sure …(read more)
Yet Another Article on the Implications of Boot Camp
Since everyone else has put in their two cents, I figured I might as well pile onto the Boot Camp story. Note: since the story …(read more)
Take the No Windows-Booting Pledge
Mac users have a lot of strange habits. We are known to have rituals when we unpack our latest machines. We will argue passionatelyabout the …(read more)
Boot Camp: Apple’s Insanely Good Idea?
Now that Macs can run Windows, and Macs and PCs have Intel chips, what will we Mac fanatics have to hang our hats on? Having …(read more)