Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
When Will Apple Notice Linux?
One thing has always puzzled me about iTunes, why isn’t it available for Linux? Now, I don’t mean “why doesn’t it run on Linux” (because …(read more)
Dell Macs
This is pure speculation. No inside info, no rumor. I was looking in the tea leaves and they said “Non-Apple Macs”. Oh wow! I’m so …(read more)
Anton Takk, A Good Samaritan’s Tale or Help All Mac Users
A month or so ago I reinstalled Fedora Core 4 on an old PC I had in my study. I tried Ubuntu for a while …(read more)
What’s Coming in 2006
There is a mythical ancient Chinese curse that supposedly went as follows: “May you live in interesting times.” Seems like a mouthful to say after …(read more)
Firefox Sets The Bar For Mac Adoption
When the smells of the holidays have faded, the sweet aroma of hope will linger in the air for true Mac fans. Owing to the …(read more)
Should Apple Port the iLife Suite?
Anyone who has ever tried to use WinAmp, MusicMatch or (shudder) Windows Media Player, to play music will readily admit that iTunes is a vastly …(read more)
Apple, I give up. I want a super all in one iPod
I’m not a fan of convergent devices. I can’t see the practicality of jotting notes in your PDA-phone whilst trying to talk on it. Or …(read more)
Is Apple Taking The Pepsi Challenge?
Years ago, in an effort to encroach on Coke’s seeming stranglehold of the soft-drink market, Pepsi began a marketing campaign called The Pepsi Challenge. The …(read more)
James’s Top 10 List of Everything for 2005
As the end of the year approaches I have read numerous “Top 10” lists on a myriad of subjects. Not to be outdone I have …(read more)
Popularizing the web
CNN’s Spark wrote on their technology pages a list of the top 10 “Web moments” since the World Wide Web was born 15 years ago. …(read more)
Long time Users Facing yet Another Dope Slap From Apple?
A recently performed experiment involving a cat that had achieved thermodynamic equilibrium undergoing rhythmic gyrations at Apple Matters labs proved one thing: You can’t swing …(read more)
Should You Buy A Mac Now?
Apple is starting to slide into difficult territory where they risk losing sales of current Macs as the Intel Macs draw near. The first of …(read more)