Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
Will Apple Go All In?
Mac fans desperately want a major Apple win. The tough part of wanting a Mac win is knowing just who the competition is. In the …(read more)
How much is style worth?
Much speculation has been made, and much bull has been shot, over Apple’s announcement that they would be transitioning away from IBM’s PPC chip line …(read more)
Is That a Mac in Your Cart? Hi Switcher!
The news was splashed around the Mac-o-sphere: 1 million switchers in three quarters of 2005. If you relied solely on headlines, as many are wont …(read more)
Is the Western PC is dead?
We note with both a smirk and a worried frown, that even Dell are struggling in the PC world. But standing tall among the debris, …(read more)
What Do You Want Out Of The Intel Based Mac Laptops?
Mac rumors are staple of the Mac community but, occasionally, the pleasant background buzz of the rumors ratchets up to the scream of an F-16 …(read more)
What Is The Next Data Input Device?
Harken back to the days of yore when the only input device connected to a computer was a keyboard. Everything was text based and very …(read more)
iPod: The Only Reason to Buy a Mac?
The iPod, few would disagree, is a major hit. Knowledgeable individuals are opining that this year the total number of iPods sold will near forty …(read more)
Is The Web Killing The Computer Magazine?
When was the last time you read a computer magazine? Did you get the feeling of deja vu? I’ve stopped buying computer magazines. They’re out …(read more)
Apple Adding A Second Button To Laptops? (A lesson in Speculation)
Speculating about the future is a common practice for many people. Stock brokers, gamblers and even outstanding Apple pundits like Jon “Hannibal” Stokes enjoy making …(read more)
The New Media Paradigm
The times, they are a changing. And to help understand some of the factors that will influence the way you purchase digital media I have …(read more)
The Poor Little iMac, Crying For Attention
Halloween is right around the corner, in fact it is a mere four days away. To most people Halloween means parties, trick or treating and …(read more)
Why do you own a Mac?
Nearly 22 years ago, like the rest of the world, I first heard of the Mac and, like many, I was immediately smitten. At the …(read more)