Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
Don’t Buy A Quad G5
Back in the pre-Intel days I must confess there would have been some drool hitting the keyboard as I write this right now. Quad G5s?! …(read more)
iMac Stepping Stone To An Entertainment Thin-Client?
What do you get if you combine TV and a computer? No, certainly not the iMac MC Mark I. You do get a bit of …(read more)
What’s Coming Next?
Lets review what Apple has done recently, shall we? Because they have been quite active lately. They discontinued one of their most popular products, the …(read more)
The Present and the Future
I really tried not to write an article about the revelations of this past Wednesday. but it turned out to be too hard. Every article …(read more)
The Portable Entertainment Age
The 20th century garnered many monikers - The Nuclear Age, The Technology Age and The Information Age but encompassing all of those was… The Entertainment …(read more)
How Could OS X Be Improved?
How many of us like OS X? Ok, now, how many of us think it could be better? Alright, got any ideas? See, those first …(read more)
Is Apple Feeding the Rumors?
This week we have had to two distinctly different opinions on what the forthcoming October 12 major event from Apple will be. In the red …(read more)
Note to the Recording Industry: The iPod is not Mtv
“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln The above is a quote the …(read more)
The Xbox 360, the PS3 and . . . Apple?
The Xbox 360 is coming. So is, for that matter, the PS3. And lets not forget the Nintendo Revolution. In fact, Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo …(read more)
Does the Mac Need a New Model?
If you head over to Apple’s site and click on the store link you can check out everything the company sells. Software, iPods, accessories and, …(read more)
Did the iPod Win the War?
Portable record players Walkman Discman iPod Which is the odd one out? (The iPod of course, the others use external media to provide the music.) …(read more)
Note on iPod Video Player: Ignore Steve
Were you afforded the opportunity to gaze upon the earth and it’s denizens in the moments before the KT boundary was formed and asked to …(read more)