Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
How Far Will Google Maps Go?
I have been playing around with google maps recently and been quite impressed. Note that I didn’t say that I have been ‘using’ google maps, …(read more)
Safari Improved
Some of us have been swept up in the Firefox craze and cast Safari aside, never to give it a second glance. And some of …(read more)
Tiger? Where did you go?
Who’s still using Tiger? Well, the key new features anyway. Spotlight? Automator? Dashboard? Were there others? See I’ve forgotten. I don’t doubt at all that …(read more)
Lessons From the nano
Experience is, it is often noted, the best teacher. Unfortunately humans are not the best students, they sometimes tend to extrapolate truths revealed in on …(read more)
The iChat AV Resurrection
Today’s article is audience participation intensive. That means I want people to answer several questions that I throw out here. Ready? Great. Here goes: First …(read more)
Flash Based Laptops, Sooner Than You Think
Over the last 50 years many companies have found it necessary to give thought to the long term storage of digital information. And so, for …(read more)
Bill Gates: Energizer Bunny of the Digital Age
Every so often a tale surfaces of a Japanese soldier being discovered on a remote island in an even more remote region laboring under the …(read more)
Nano Signals The Times Are A Changing. Again.
The iPod nano is undoubtedly the future of the iPod. Despite Steve once poo-poohing flash based music players, famously saying they are “the kind of …(read more)
Apple: Bringing You the Innovations of Others Time and Time Again
Sometimes greater concepts can be gleaned by first looking inside our own psyches. Hence at this point it is time for an exercise that involves …(read more)
The Apple Phone Roadmap
This article will not be about the iPod Nano. You may now cheer with unrestrained adulation. Feeling better? Good, then lets move on shall we? …(read more)
Will the Newton Ever Come Back?
Why don’t we take a trip back down memory lane for a moment shall we? Many of us will remember back to our first kiss …(read more)
PowerPoint Kills Brain Cells
Ultimately a computer is just a tool. Applications are tools as well. Printers, scanners, fax machines, all tools. They help us do something. Now, that …(read more)