Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
Absence of Aussie iTMS a warning?
There’s a fight going on for that little plastic card in your wallet. Yes, I know, there’s a plethora of business fighting to get those …(read more)
5 Wishes For A New Mac Mini
You, as an astute observer of all things Mac, know that the Paris Expo is just around the corner, September 20th to be exact. Naturally …(read more)
Transitive’s Rosetta: Get Your Software Buffet Style?
When people buy their first computer they are making a longer-term investment than they likely realize. Initially they may have planned to keep the machine …(read more)
Do Macs exist?
If a Mac article falls in a forest of Windows articles, does it make a sound? I continually read how well Macs are doing, halo …(read more)
Vista=Copy of OS X
Ever seen that old bumper sticker [Apple 89 = Win 95]? Well, it might be time to update it because apparently Microsoft is going back …(read more)
Take It With A Grain of Salt
Apple Matters is the third Mac-centric website that I have had the joy to published on. This is a very nice site with fairly intelligent …(read more)
Should The Mac Zealots Just Shut Up?
It is unlikely that there is any city in the US with a population over hundred thousand folks where you can’t go to central spot …(read more)
Macintosh: Intel Inside! Now Improved With Delicious DRM
The story hit the ‘net with the all the raw fury of a F5 tornado reducing trailer park after trailer park to so much Formica …(read more)
What’s Next In The iLife Suite?
Once upon a time there was a little bundle of software called the iLife suite. It contained iTunes, iMovie and iPhoto. Each application was unrefined, …(read more)
PowerMac on Intel, the Beast Cuts Loose
If you have been paying attention lately you know that Apple has switched to Intel processors. Furthermore, in the next two years Macs will begin …(read more)
The Video iPod: Watchman 2005?
There is an quote attributed to George Santayana that proceeds as follows: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” This verbal …(read more)
Car out of oil? No problem! Buy a new one.
I would like to preface this article with a warning. If you were looking for an unbiased analysis or a piece that didn’t contain “strong …(read more)