Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
Waiting for the New Pitch
If you follow the Macaverse closely you are used to the new hardware introduction pitch. The drill is something as follows: At a MacWorld or …(read more)
iPod Nation? Not the Best Idea
The iPod doesn’t seem like much, it is positively miniscule in any of its three form factors and the technology housed inside the music player …(read more)
Did the Mac Make Me?
Who made me? Was it my Mum and Dad? A being called “God” with an Acme chemistry set? Or was it my Mac? “Who made …(read more)
Apple Towers: Heading for the Long Goodbye
If you divide your time up betwixt writing revolutionary documents, serving as the third President of the United States and looking for Mammoths there is …(read more)
We All Use Xeroxes
I unabashedly love the Apple platform. I think it is far superior to Windows in every way. There are no PCs in my home and …(read more)
How To Compete with the iPod
Perhaps some of you caught the news recently and learned that Rio has finally been pronounced dead. Yes, they join Virgin Electronics in the “I …(read more)
Your Mac Has a Virus
What will you do the first time you read that sentence? Scream in terror? Pass out in fright? Cry yourself to sleep at the sheer …(read more)
Can Apple save the Tablet?
The uptake of the Tablet PC has not been to expectations. Roger Kay on Technology Pundits has a very good article on the failure of …(read more)
iPod Shows Soft Underbelly? Not Just Yet
If you hear the words “France” and “Military” in the same sentence no doubt jokes immediately spring to mind. One-liners like “Surrendered to a bar …(read more)
Could Apple Be The Next Sony?
I have an interesting question to pose to you, who do you think Apple most wants to be like, Microsoft or Sony? Now, they are …(read more)
What OS X Could Learn From Windows: Part 2, A Consistent GUI
After Chris Howard’s great piece a couple of weeks ago I thought I’d continue to stir the pot a little and discuss another aspect of …(read more)
What Uncle Ben Taught Me About Mac Hardware
Standing in the local mega store some time back I found myself in a quandary. My attempt to purchase a household staple, a simple task …(read more)