Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
The Apple Cult Is Dead
Apple lovers: we are not a cult anymore. Some say we are enthusiasts. Some say we are obsessed. There is certainly no doubt that we …(read more)
MacWorld Speculation: Don’t Get Your Hopes Up
This year I received a completely unexpected Christmas present (an iSight if you must know, it’s terribly cool and everyone overlooks the fact that a …(read more)
Top 10 List of New Year’s Resolutions You Should Not Stick To
It’s that time of year again and at AppleMatters we stay true to our mission—to bring you insightful articles on the happenings of our favorite …(read more)
1984 Part 2? Bad Idea
“On January 24th, Apple Computer will introduce the Macintosh and you’ll see why 1984 won’t be like “1984.” Sound familiar? If you are an Apple …(read more)
Should Apple Be Making Televisions?
Just mentioning Dell or and Gateway to an Apple user conjures up the work imitator. This goes for PC’s but in the area of flat …(read more)
Apple To Port More Apps To Windows? NEVER!
With the apparent success of iTunes for Windows folks are beginning to opine that Apple should port other applications to the Windows platform. A couple …(read more)
Where Is The Best Place To Buy A Mac?
Us loyal Mac users can be a strange breed. We slap Apple logo bumper stickers on our cars, use our Powerbook in public wherever we …(read more)
Why the iPod Should Play Windows Media Audio
Like the age-old battle between the Beta format and the VHS format we are at the very beginnings of a digital media battle. In many …(read more)
P2P On The Mac: It’s Not All Bad
Downloading files off the Internet is in it’s self not illegal; let’s get that out of the way first. But I would forgive anybody in …(read more)
Panther Is Missing A Few Spokes From The Digital Hub
Now that it has been a month since the release of Panther and I have had time to install it, play with it, and work …(read more)
Looking for Mac Content? Try Reading Blogs
Do you find yourself craving more Mac related content than your daily hops around the internet provide? Do you look at weekends with a sense …(read more)
What Apple Won’t Tell You: Get An iPod for $7
As a loyal follower of Apple since 1987 (I know I am a newbie compared to some but 16 years is somewhat significant) I fully …(read more)