Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
The Definition of the Man: His iPod
The watch is the most defining accessory a man can wear. Nothing speaks about what type of person he is more than his watch. Not …(read more)
iTunes Goes International. Big Deal.
So the iTunes Music Store is finally available in the UK, France and Germany. I have a feeling that the success the store has had …(read more)
Airport Express Falls Short
On the face of it Airport Express sounds really really cool. Stream tunes to your stereo anywhere in your house. Just plug it in to …(read more)
A $50 Microsoft iPod Killer? Feh!!
Microsoft is apparently preparing to battle the iPod. Not satisfied with decimating the Macintosh with undercut pricing (and, admittedly, a more sound distribution model) Microsoft …(read more)
Mac Updates vs. Windows updates
Don’t worry, this isn’t a Mac vs. PC piece. Well, not explicitly at least. I just find the discrepancy between Apple’s updating schedule and Microsoft’s, …(read more)
Why Apple Should Reject Real
Apple is known for creating absolutely perfectly beautiful products. Stubbornly. Arrogantly. But beautifully. From the creation of the first Macintosh to the latest and greatest …(read more)
GarageBand Could Be Your Key to Stardom
Are you still upset you didn’t make the cut on American Idol? Do you watch Making the Band 2 and say to yourself, “I should …(read more)
The iPod mini: Visceral, Behavioral, Reflective
I finally have an iPod. No, strike that, I have an iPod mini. The difference is crucial to me. It also seems crucial to 100,000 …(read more)
Apple Is Giving Free Advertising To Microsoft
What the hell is Apple thinking? The latest print ads advertising iLife ‘04 leads with the following headline: “It’s like ‘Microsoft Office’ for the rest …(read more)
My G5 Is No Different Than My G3
I’ll never forget the moment I first used a G3. It was a blue and white, which already made it seem like something so utterly …(read more)
A(nother) Case For an Apple-Branded Television
Forget the second coming of the Newton, the oft-rumored iPhone, or the fanciful iWalk. AppleTV will be the next consumer product Apple should release. This …(read more)
Apple, Stop the Crashes Out of The Box
I am writing this on my new 12” powerbook which I love! The industrial design is stunning both in terms of looks and usability. This …(read more)