Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
Is the Business of Apple Actually Jobs?
Apple’s history as a company resembles a scalloped fence running downhill, sure things go up with the occasional success but the trend line is one …(read more)
The Lost Art of the Icon
In the past few weeks, I have rediscovered the lost art of the desktop icon. There was a time when I would scour the internet …(read more)
Fix .Mac
I’ve been a big fan of .mac, since back when it was free and called iTools. Apple’s move to create .mac—including email at mac dot …(read more)
Apple Zealots Hurt Apple
Let me start this off by stating for the record that I love Apple machines, I love OS X (I also used to really like …(read more)
Microsoft and Apple: Competing Again
According to the San Jose Mercury News everyone’s favorite monopolistic software vendor is preparing to unveil an online music store. Early reports indicate it bears …(read more)
The Definitive all iRumor iMac
When there’s a Mac soiree coming up the rumors inevitably start swirling like bacteria floating over a poorly cleaned toilet. Usually the big rumors wait …(read more)
I Want An Apple Credit Card
Ashlee Simpson song: 99 Cents Black Eyed Peas song: 99 Cents Getting free songs from the iTunes Music Store: Priceless. Ok. So I combined Mastercard’s …(read more)
Low Market Share Blues? Don’t Blame the Marketing Department
If there is a consistent theme in the world of Mac commentary it is: “Apple’s market share should be higher.” Part of this fervent wish …(read more)
Is Spotlight actually Tunnelvision?
As a web designer with multiple clients and multiple projects, each with a myriad of files to track - it would seem like I would …(read more)
Apple: Innovate Doesn’t Mean Stealing
I am not a huge fan of Konfabulator. It’s a lot of fun the first few times you use it but the plethora of widgets …(read more)
Release the Tigers! A Top Ten Wishlist
Just as we were all getting used to taming a Panther, Apple has the audacity to innovate again! Those who dislike any innovation would be …(read more)
The Great Mac Virus Myth
Lately you may have been reading of certain security issues within Mac OS X. No real threats as of yet. But this will change. I …(read more)