Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
iPod Users: You Aren’t Special Anymore
iPods are everywhere! And white earbuds are in everyone’s ears. Apple is taking all of these iPodders (mostly PC users) straight to the bank: to …(read more)
What I’d Like to See in Tiger: Part 1, Speed
I still remember the first time I loaded the public beta of OS X on my iMac. User account? What the *#$(*@ is that! But …(read more)
Subscription Model Killing iTunes? Yawn.
With yellow bottle caps making their way across the country and fairly awful SuperBowl ads showing up online it’s easy to think that iTunes is …(read more)
The Genius of Apple Stores
I’ll admit that when the Apple Stores were first launched I was one of the skeptical ones. After all, around that time Gateway was just …(read more)
Pepsi and iTunes: Now a Promotion for Everyone
The Pepsi iTunes Music Promotion is starting up again. Are you excited? I haven’t been this excited since, I don’t know, every other soft-drink-look-under-the-cap promotion …(read more)
PowerBook G5: Held up By the Sleekness Factor?
There are some things people are convinced they must have even if they don’t necessarily need them. For me these things include cigarettes and Coca …(read more)
Apple: The IBM of the Digital Music Player Market
I suppose it is too early too call the iPod Shuffle a monster hit. Still the signs of yet another smashing success in the musical …(read more)
Giving Shuffle A Chance
“Give Chance A Chance.” That’s the tagline for the new iPod Shuffle. After going twice back to the Apple Store here in downtown San Francisco …(read more)
The Year of Automated Apple
Wow. First impressions of the Keynote at my first SF MacWorld? Steve Jobs is an amazing presenter but then again who wouldn’t be with such …(read more)
It’s A Brand New Day
I never thought I’d see it. I still can’t believe I just saw it. Yes, this is the time for superlatives. Awesome. Groundbreaking. Stunning. Redefining. …(read more)
The Upside of a $500 Dollar Mac
Muhahaha! Muhahahah! It’s alive! After years of producing and continually bettering the iLife suite of applications, the iPod, the iSight, Safari, and OSX, the profitable …(read more)
The Downside of a $500 Dollar Mac
With the legal department yet again flexing its litigation musculature the cheap Mac rumor seems pretty solid. Unfortunately no rumor site has come up with …(read more)