Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
Dual Core G5, the Last Computer you Ever Buy?
There are rumors swirling of imminent releases of speed bumped PowerMacs and iMacs. Some of the rumors go a bit farther than positing a mere …(read more)
Pretty Pleased with Panther
With Tiger right around the corner, I thought it would be a good idea to take a look back at the year (and a few …(read more)
Apple’s Second Quarter Results: Pure Speculation
Generally when people predict a company’s fortune they express the pick in monetary terms. Which is convenient, we can all relate to the to a …(read more)
The Next Big Thing: The Apple Watch
Can we all agree that the iPod is a hit? Great. Now that we have that out of the way let’s talk about what Apple …(read more)
Busting the myth of the iPod Halo Effect
People love to gamble. Folks will gamble with dice, bet on a single pitch in a baseball game, they will even wager on the future …(read more)
The Next Great Apple Peripheral: The PSP
Okay. So the Playstation Portable isn’t made by Apple. Technically it is made by a PC manufacturer (although from what I’ve heard about Sony, all …(read more)
Great Design: Apple gets it…Others Don’t
There can be no doubt that a good measure of Apple’s post Steve Jobs return success is based on incredible industrial design. The statement is, …(read more)
No One is Perfect: Ten Apple Mistakes Since the Return of Steve jobs
Since Steve Jobs return to Apple the future for the once beleaguered company has been growing steadily brighter (at this point one would be well …(read more)
Podcasts are Here to Stay (and that is a Scary Thought)
When Hadley Stern opined that podcasting would be dead within a year the notion gave me serious pause. After all I am involved in a …(read more)
iTunes Music Store Dance Selection Is Limited
The 90s were tough for clubbers like me. Because it’s rare for an artist to get more than one song into the mainstream, dance albums …(read more)
The Mac, Merely a Safe Windows System?
There are a lot of very good reasons to buy a Mac, deft styling, ease of use, powerful Unix operating system, iLife, build quality… The …(read more)
Why Podcasting Will Fail
There are some things I just don’t get. People voluntarily using Windows is one. And podcasting is another. It is not the technology I don’t, …(read more)