Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
Apple Everywhere
I first got into Macs, and subsequently computers, when I was leaving undergrad and moving on to work on my Masters degree. I needed a …(read more)
Mac vs Windows, no Real Difference?
If you’re a Mac fan you probably think that the Mac is superior to any other available platform. It could be successfully argued that many …(read more)
The Monitor is the Revolution
I walk around in a state of permanent techno jones. The smallest speed bump leaves me salivating and if G5s ever hit 3.0 GHz or …(read more)
Tiger: Want Vs. Need
I am constantly dealing with the want vs. need debate. Some things are easy to determine. Toilet paper? That’s a need. That $5000 Baume and …(read more)
Please Apple, Not Another “Switch” Campaign
There is a quote widely attributed to Albert Einstein which goes something as follows (for a supposed quote it comes in many formats): The definition …(read more)
Tiger: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Now that many of us have installed Tiger and release that (gasp!) it does not pay our bills, create world peace, or cook dinner it …(read more)
Confessions of a Mac Zealot
Today I found myself in an interesting conversation. A recent “switcher” and I were discussing the possibility that Google may, some day, crush Microsoft. The …(read more)
Looking Forward to 10.4.1
Several weeks ago, I mentioned how I was pretty pleased with Panther and remained a bit leery of Tiger. Nevertheless, I had a copy of …(read more)
Guilty Pleasures: What Are You Hiding?
Don’t kid yourself. Deep inside your iTunes library, there’s a guilty pleasure hiding out just waiting to get their number pulled during shuffle play. It …(read more)
Anticipating Tiger
There is something about waiting for a new operating system that I love. I still remember when OS 8 came out. It was seven years …(read more)
Copying Apple: For Microsoft “It Just Works”
Recently Fortune published a nice article in which Jim Allchin, in between jabs at Apple, extolled the virtues of the possibly upcoming Longhorn Operating System. …(read more)
Ambassadors of Mac
I met a very nice woman on the train the other day. She spotted me working on my Powerbook and she made an extra effort …(read more)