Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
Apple computer: Is Piracy the Pathway to Profits?
If you remember the heady days of the first incarnation of Napster chances are you downloaded a song and later discarded the foul bit of …(read more)
MacIntel: The Thin Client Theory
If you happened to be on Mars for the last month, you might have thought you’d arrived back on the wrong planet. Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo …(read more)
Apple Switching Back to PowerPC?
Plan A: Lisa, Plan B: Mac, Plan C: Motorola, Plan D: IBM, Plan E: OS 9, Plan F: OS X, Plan G: Intel, Plan I: …(read more)
The iPod Will Always Beat The Cellphone
Lately it seems that Bill Gates has been doing a bit of puppeteering. He has his hands up the backs of so many tech pundits …(read more)
Spotlight Inconsistencies
I love Spotlight. Having this type of searching built into the OS is the best thing to happen to a computer since Undo. I use …(read more)
Apple Computer: Software Only in Five Years
If you have a child or if you’re just very averse to pain (like myself) you are probably familiar with the two theories of band-aid …(read more)
Windows Hurts
The There And Then I got married this past April to the love of my life. She is a wonderful girl, my high school sweet …(read more)
Apple Fix Tiger: Waiting for 10.4.2
This is pathetic. It’s time for me to write an Apple Matters article and there’s nothing new and great to write about. Just more complaints …(read more)
Where’s the Mac Media Blitz?
There’s a smallish film making the rounds currently called Revenge of the Sith. It is a decent movie though calling the acting wooden would be …(read more)
Mind your market
Which comes first? Mindshare or marketshare? Recently, I was talking with a friend, and she said “I have to get an iPod.” “Which one?”, I …(read more)
Apple, Put Your Chips On The Table
There was news from Apple recently, but not about them moving to Intel chips. Lost in the buzz of this “surprise leak” you might have …(read more)
Spot(light) the Difference
I love Spotlight. Having this type of searching built into the OS is the best thing to happen to a computer since Undo. I use …(read more)