Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
The Cost of Rumors
Well the most obvious the cost of Rumors is $9.99 (not available on iTunes). The costs of the more standard rumors (hardware, software, et al) …(read more)
How to Make a Cardboard Case for your iPod Shuffle
Craft time! For iPod and iTunes Hacks, I wrote a hack about how to create a cardboard case for your iPod. This was easy. Apple …(read more)
Mini Mostly Meaningless for Mac Market Share
There is a heady feeling floating around the Mac community these days. Mac aficionados are certain the Macintosh platform will shortly undergo a market share …(read more)
What I’d Like to See in Tiger: Part 4, A Self-Repairing OS
Every operating system has its quirks. OS 9 was marred by frequent crashes. A typical prevention regimen included running Norton Disc Doctor religiously (defragment, defragment, …(read more)
The Mac mini Advantage
As much as I prefer my Mac for my personal life, I have a confession to make. The workhorse machine I use is a PC. …(read more)
Napster is Laughable Competition
If you watched the Super Bowl this year you probably saw the Napster commercial. The ad was simple in its messaging: “Do the Math. How …(read more)
Milking iTunes for Every Penny
Apple announced that the iTunes store has now served up a whopping three hundred million songs. This is impressive for a few reasons. First Apple …(read more)
What I’d Like to See in Tiger: Part 3, A Consistent User Interface
Maybe it’s because I’m a graphic designer by training but I like things to be visually consistent. One of the beautiful things about the original …(read more)
Where Will 900,000 Mac Minis Go?
If you’re wondering just how many Mac Minis Apple is likely to sell this year go ahead and guess. Was your guess 900,000 units? If …(read more)
Diversity in the Workplace: iTunes Shared Music
My office recently finished making the full conversion to OSX. After a long long wait, we are finally up with the times. And although I …(read more)
What I’d Like to See in Tiger: Part 2, Font Management That Works
I’ve been writing about fonts and OS X for a long time. Here is the problem; working with fonts in OS X still sucks. Badly. …(read more)
iLife Is No Place For HD (at least not yet)
Last month in the Keynote Address at MacWorld SF, Steve Jobs declared this year, “The Year of High Definition.” In turn, Final Cut Pro, Final …(read more)