How to Replace Your Wallet with Your iPhone

A few years ago, I read an article about replacing your wallet with the iPhone, and after recently and finally upgrading to the iPhone 4 I decided to see if there’s a way I could …(read more)
Automate with Alarm Clock Pro 9
Despite the relative simplicity of most automoation programs, I have read comments from Mac users who say they don’t understand how to use such applications …(read more)
Stanza & Borders: Two E-Book Apps For The iPad
With each new ebook reader for the iPad, developers and booksellers alike try to outdo one another with unique features and approaches, but I can …(read more)
From iPhone User to iPhone App Developer
I recently read somewhere that if truth be told, the iPad was not primarily developed for existing iPhone and Mac users, it was really produced …(read more)
Pulse: An Effective RSS Reader for the iPad
The best way to view and understand the iPad is to see it as a visual medium. When you hold it in your hand, it’s …(read more)
Creating Slide Shows in iPad’s Keynote
As much as I like my iPad, as it stands now I’ll probably be consuming more media than producing traditional content on the device. However, …(read more)
Paperless Reading and Annotating on the iPad
Back in October, I wrote an article about Paperless Reading on Your Mac, and in it I talked about the popular iPhone application, Instapaper; the …(read more)
Turn Your Mac into Your Own Cloud
Say you're out with a client or at a social setting. You or someone else mentions a particular document, song, or file that you currently …(read more)
Clips: the iTunes of Clipboard Managers?
I took advantage of the recent McHeist nanoBundle 2, dropping twenty bucks for possibly $260.00 worth of apps. A few apps in the bundle are …(read more)
Vlingo: Another Powerful Voice Recoginition iPhone App
Most of us iPhone and iPod touch users are not too keen on touch typing on our devices. Sure, it’s not the hardest thing to …(read more)
Keyboard Maestro Gets 4.01 Update
If you follow my articles here on Apple Matters and elsewhere, you would see that one of the topics I write about most is Mac …(read more)
Problems Solved: Mailplane and Webnote
I view some software applications as real problem solvers. So I guess you can say this review is part of a continuing series about programs …(read more)
Safari-fy Your Firefox in 5 Steps
A couple months ago I was fed up with Safari. In the midst of lagging YouTube videos and sluggish Top Sites, I fired up Firefox …(read more)