How to Replace Your Wallet with Your iPhone

A few years ago, I read an article about replacing your wallet with the iPhone, and after recently and finally upgrading to the iPhone 4 I decided to see if there’s a way I could …(read more)
Geotagging Your Photos with GeoLogTag
As many of you may know, iPhoto '09 includes a feature to capture and display geotagged photos. The photo sharing site does the same …(read more)
Instapaper Gets 2.0 Update
Back in April, I listed Instapaper as one my top 10 iPhone/iPod touch apps. This easy to use program has literally kept me from printing …(read more)
Printing Photos on Your Inkjet Printer
Despite the advances in digital photo technology, many people still don't know how to use their printers to print photos. While it's indeed relatively inexpensive …(read more)
Make Better Use of Your Inkjet Printer
Though we at AppleMatters talk a lot Apple computers and related software, not much is said about using inkjet printers. I've talked to and helped …(read more)
The Fun of Mac Hunting on a Tight Budget
In tougher economic times, the price of the more expensive Apple technology becomes a bit of an issue. If you're somewhat stretched but still need …(read more)
10 Ways to Stay within an iTunes Store Budget
Purchasing songs on the iTunes Store is a good thing for Apple and people in the music industry. But 99 cents for a song or …(read more)
Browsing Faster with Flock
Safari has always been my browser of choice. It's ease of use and speed has kept me coming back to it even after making Firefox …(read more)
Amazon Brings “Kindle” to the iPhone
Back in November, I wrote an article about an iPhone/iPod touch application called Stanza. I called this app, Amazon's free Kindle. Well, right before going …(read more)
A DVD Ripper Do-It-Yourself Part 1
I really like the Apple TV concept, but unfortunately it isn't exactly what I'm looking for in a media center right now. Before I go …(read more)
AAM: Three’s a Crowd
With the release of the iPhone taking up all the blogging time of virtually everyone around the web at the minute, it’s easy to forget …(read more)
AAM: Personal Mac into Web Host
You’ve all been there at some point I’m sure: you want a website setup that could (or won’t) turn into something magical, but you don’t …(read more)
AAM: PC To Airport, Where Are You?
Wouldn’t it be lovely if you went to the shop, bought a product, took it home and turned it on and it just worked? It …(read more)