How to Replace Your Wallet with Your iPhone

A few years ago, I read an article about replacing your wallet with the iPhone, and after recently and finally upgrading to the iPhone 4 I decided to see if there’s a way I could …(read more)
AAM: Lost OS X Password
It’s one thing to lose or forget a password to your email account, and a whole other story if it’s your online banking account, but …(read more)
AAM: One Fried LogicBoard to Go
It’s a sad story for everyone this week, folks. After 5 years of iBook bliss, one user, known as scrappunk, installed an Airport Extreme card, …(read more)
AAM: LCD as MacBook Monitor
After a break from AAM we’re back with another question, this time regarding an LCD screen being used as a MacBook Pro monitor. Before we …(read more)
AAM: Screensaver for Login Window
I don’t usually like posting unanswered questions on a Monday, but today we have one. Okay, technically a few people have given their answers, but …(read more)
AAM: Windows Virtualization
There have been some great posts this week on the Apple Matters forums, a big thanks to all of those who have participated, keep it …(read more)
AAM: Powerbook 165c to iMac G5
This week we’ve got a question that only a true Mac know-it-all could possibly answer. Back in December of last year, Daevrojn asked Apple Matters …(read more)
AAM: Migrating to Tiger. A Chore?
Those of us who have undertaken the task of installing a new OS (whether it be Windows, OS, or Linux) on a computer know that …(read more)
AAM: Mac vs PC, The Big Argument
“It just works”, “it always crashes” and “it doesn’t have any good software for it” or “it’s way over-priced and rubbish” - arguments a Mac …(read more)
AAM: Creating a Password Protected Folder
A question that doesn’t come up too often but is still a great one to ask none-the-less - encrypted folders, how do create you ‘em? …(read more)
AAM: Classroom Presentation, Which Solution?
In last weeks AAM I made everyone aware of two other great questions in desperate need for an answer. As always, our reliable readers were …(read more)
AAM: When was my file deleted?
Other than the obvious graphical changes and the way OS X works, the first thing a lot of Windows-to-Mac switches notice when using Tiger is …(read more)
AAM: Migrating from Mail 2.0 to Thunderbird 1.5
Whilst Mail 2.0 is a beautifully simple program to use, it can sometimes be a little too simple for many. Firefox 2.0’s recent release will …(read more)