How to Replace Your Wallet with Your iPhone

A few years ago, I read an article about replacing your wallet with the iPhone, and after recently and finally upgrading to the iPhone 4 I decided to see if there’s a way I could …(read more)
AAM: Video in iWeb
It’s not often we get an Apple Matters reader answering their own questions on AAM, but this week Haye321 has gone against all odds and …(read more)
AAM: Switching Macs
There’s nothing more annoying than being over-joyed at having a new computer in the household, only to have to transfer all the stuff you want …(read more)
AAM: Which Cat for 700Mhz iMac?
The release of Apple’s next OS pussy cat is just around the corner, however some are a little unfortunate in having slightly older machines that …(read more)
AAM: Shuffle Problems
Hello folks, Whilst there are many of you out there who are fortunate enough to have the latest gadgets from Apple, there are still some …(read more)
AAM: Curious About the Mac Attitude
Happy Wednesday AM readers, Okay so perhaps the level of optimism in my greeting isn’t up to everyone’s level considering it’s the middle of a …(read more)
AAM: Getting Parallels to Run Games
Happy Monday all! We’re going to arrange Ask Apple Matters slightly different this week so stay focused for the next 30 seconds whilst I explain. …(read more)
AAM: Formatting USB Flash Drive
Hi all, Apparently formatting USB Flash drives on a Mac isn’t as straightforward as you’d thing, especially if you’re a new Mac owner. User haye321 …(read more)
AAM: Resolution Troubles on HDTV using Mac
Hi folks, At the time of writing this week, we’ve been lumbered with a question that is causing quite a discussion on the Apple Matters …(read more)
Ask Apple Matters: Google Video - Playing Issues
Frustrating times are when you desperately want to watch some content on the internet but just can’t, especially when there is eye-candy like Google Video …(read more)
Ask Apple Matters: Leopard on a PowerBook G4
With the announcement of Leopard at last months WWDC event, Mac lovers up and down the land have been popping questions that, unfortunately, many of …(read more)
Ask Apple Matters: Parental Controls plus SCSI to Firewire
Hi folks, A new week brings in some new questions and, a rarity; one user has managed to answer his own question regarding SCSI to …(read more)
Ask Apple Matters: MacBook Pro 2.0 or 2.16Ghz?
A sad story to tell this week as one user, Nemin, has recently had his PowerBook G4 stolen. Of course things could have been a …(read more)