Steve Jobs: Hero or Fiend?

The reaction to the death of Steve Jobs has been predictable, specials on TV, magazine covers and moments of silence. Not really surprising, mass mourning is part of being famous. The flip side of the …(read more)
WWDC Dates Add to iPhone Excitement and Intrigue
What was the most exciting news you heard this week from Apple? The WWDC dates, of course! June 8th to 12th.There's nothing better than hearing …(read more)
Flickr Export for iPhoto and Aperture Updated
If you're an power user, you no doubt experience the frustration of exporting, uploading, and managing photos on your account, especially if you belong …(read more)
7 Things Apple could Learn from Windows 7
Windows 7 is a curious product from the curious company in Redmond. First of all the name? We went from Windows 95 to Windows 98 …(read more)
Could Snow Leopard Put OS X Licensing Back on the Agenda?
In the last couple of weeks we had some rather vigorous discussion about the hackintoshing scene. Out of it came an interesting suggestion by one …(read more)
Ballmer fixated on Mac, Misses Big Picture
Recently Steve Ballmer was crowing. Why was Steve so happy? It turns out, according to Steve, that Macs have slipped in popularity. Where Macs were …(read more)
Why Does Apple Allow Personal Hackintoshes?
Note: Apple Matters is not providing legal advice here. At the time of writing, building a hackintosh involves breaching the OS X EULA. If you …(read more)
You’ve heard the announcement, now discover what is next from Apple: The MacBook Shuffle!
You've heard the rumors, Apple has purchased a bunch of ten inch displays and is making a netbook competitor. You've even heard that such a device …(read more)
Kindles, NetBooks, iPhones, the Defragmentation of devices and how .Mac Might help
I've recently used a Kindle for the first time and really enjoyed it. As readers of this site know I am the proud owner of …(read more)
Are Hackintoshes Illegal?
Note: Apple Matters is not providing legal advice here. If you are concerned, or have additional questions please discuss this with an lawyer. After last …(read more)
Will the Mobile World Push Microsoft to Irrelevancy?
For years Linux and Apple fans have been waiting for that cosmic moment wherein either Linux or OS X suddenly goes mainstream and removes Microsoft …(read more)
Is Safari 4’s Bad Tab Design a Clue to an Apple Netbook?
Last week Apple released a beta of Safari 4. Immediately userland was polarized over one significant change: the tab bar had been moved up and …(read more)
The ModBook Part 3: Installing Leopard, The Good and Bad of an Hackintosh NetBook
In part one I covered why I was experimenting with hacking a NetBook, in part two I covered the purchasing process and now, in part …(read more)